Race and class: challenging inequalities

A panel discussion considering the significance of race and class to shaping inequalities in contemporary Britain. Tuesday 26 May 2015, 6.30-8pm New Theatre, East Building, LSE, Houghton Street, London WC2A 2AE Speakers include: Liz Fekete – Director, Institute of Race Relations Kiri Kankhwende – Human rights campaigner and journalist James Nazroo – Professor of Sociology and Director

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Living to tell the tale

On 18 April, a celebration event of the work of the Institute of Race Relations (IRR) and its Director Emeritus, Sivanandan, turned into a serious discussion on how to unite and strengthen struggles at a time of globalisation and austerity. Divided into three sessions – past, present, future – the packed afternoon covered a conspectus

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‘The time is here to be seized’

My conversation with Colin was recorded in 2011. But I have been given the chance to update some of those ideas for this event on 18 April 2015.  Neoliberalism is not working. All that stuff, about wealth trickling down, no society only individuals, the market as the regulator of everything, is shown to be false

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Immigration Act 2014 and the slow dismantling of the NHS

A group of activists are creatively protesting against the effects of the Immigration Act 2014 on migrants’ access to NHS services. On 6 April 2015, new immigration health surcharges came into force under the Immigration Act 2014. These surcharges affect non-European Economic Area (EEA) nationals who come to the UK to work, study, or visit their

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Calendar of racism and resistance (27 March – 9 April 2015)

A fortnightly resource for anti-racist and social justice campaigns, highlighting key events in the UK and Europe. Extreme-Right politics 29 March: In the second round of French local elections, the Front National wins 22 per cent of the vote, securing 62 council seats. (In 2011, it won just one.) However it failed to take control

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Press Release

Deaths of Europe’s ‘unwanted and unnoticed’ migrants exposed

The IRR publishes a disturbing new report, Unwanted, unnoticed: an audit of 160 asylum and immigration-related deaths in Europe, revealing the extent of Europe’s departure from its vaunted humanitarian ideals. The deaths over the last five years, in the detention and reception centres, the streets and the squats of Europe, are a product of the rightlessness

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Counter-terrorism policy and re-analysing extremism

Below is an edited transcript of a talk given by Arun Kundnani, author of ‘The Muslims are coming: Islamophobia, extremism and the domestic war on terror’, in January 2015, shortly after the Paris killings. The situation we find ourselves in is not entirely new. Most of what we’ve seen over the last few days is

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Campaign against ‘Immigration Street’

A national campaign has been launched against a new Channel 4 series, Immigration Street. The programme, by the makers of Benefits Street, a controversial series aired in January 2014, is based on the residents of Southampton’s Derby Road. The series is due to be screened in the run-up to the General Election, leaving residents of

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Race & Class radio: new perspectives on Kashmir

The latest Race & Class radio broadcast is now available to download. This month, Race & Class Radio is joined by Shubh Mathur, Gowhar Geelani and Noor Ahmad Baba, contributors to our recent special issue on Kashmir. The broadcast attempts to place the Kashmiri experience centre stage, rather than the competing narratives of Indian and Pakistani territorial and nationalist ambitions.

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Britain’s Michael Browns and Eric Garners

Britons following the news of protests against police killings of black people in the US should not feel too smug about the situation in the UK.  Not for the first time, our outrage at American racism goes hand in hand with complacency about Britain’s own history of institutional racism and its manifestations in police violence.

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