Press Release

Dying for Justice

On Monday 23 March 2015, the Institute of Race Relations published Dying for Justice which gives the  background on 509 people (an average of twenty-two per year) from BAME, refugee and migrant communities who have died between 1991-2014 in suspicious circumstances in which the police, prison authorities or immigration detention officers have been implicated.  It concludes

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Calendar of racism and resistance (27 February – 12 March 2015)

A fortnightly resource for anti-racist and social justice campaigns, highlighting key events in the UK and Europe. Asylum and migration 3 March: Serco suspends two staff members from Yarl’s Wood immigration removal centre after the showing of a Channel 4 film, made undercover, on the treatment of detainees which revealed what the shadow home secretary called

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Documenting casualisation

The TUC is seeking to interview black workers affected by the casualisation of the job market. Austerity measures affect the black community disproportionately and, just this week, figures were released which show that the number of young people from ethnic minority backgrounds, aged 16-24, that have been unemployed longer than a year has risen by

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Sites of Resistance: ‘Resisting Criminalisation’

An event to provide a space for campaigning organisations to engage other activists, students and academics in realising their goals. Wednesday 25 March 2015 Manchester Metropolitan University, Department of Sociology, Rosamond Street West, Manchester M15 6LL The ‘Sites of Resistance’ day will launch the Resisting ‘Crime’ and Criminalisation (RCC) group that Kathryn Chadwick, Becky Clarke and

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Handing in the JENGbA petition

Join JENGbA on a march to Downing Street to hand in its petition.  Tuesday 17 March 2015, 2pm Assemble at Victoria Coach Station, 164 Buckingham Palace Road, London SW1W 9TP to march to Downing Street Related links JENGbA Facebook event page petition Download a flyer        

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National demonstrations against racism and fascism

National demonstrations across the UK on UN Anti-Racism Day. Saturday 21 March 2015, 12pm Assemble at 12pm at BBC Portland Place, London W1A 1AA Assemble at 11am at George Square, Glasgow Assemble 11.30am at Clare Gardens, Clare Street, Riverside, Cardiff  Related links Download a flyer (PDF file, 845 kb) Facebook event page Stand Up To Racism

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JRCT: promoting peace, justice and equality

Below we reproduce a letter to the editor published in The Times, on 11 March 2015, in support of the Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust. Dear Sir, Charities like the Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust (JRCT) frequently work in complex and difficult environments to promote peace, justice and equality. They succeed because of their expertise and integrity in navigating these

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The price of PR?

Recent Freedom of Information requests have revealed that the Home Office has paid over quarter of a million pounds to the Daily Mail and Daily Telegraph in 2014, for sponsored articles, advertorials and digital advertising.  Last year, a number of advertorials were published in the Daily Mail and the Daily Telegraph which were sponsored by

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Fighting for the soul of the voluntary sector

Everyone should read a recent report by the National Coalition of Independent Action (NCIA) on the ways in which neoliberal policies are destroying the purpose and politics of voluntary groups. From time to time IRR News has commented on the ways in which privatisation, subcontracting and marketisation are infiltrating voluntary groups in the race and

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Archaic Operation Shield?

Below we reproduce a letter to the Mayor of London, Boris Johnson, by the Joint Enterprise Not Guilty by Association Campaign (JENGbA) on his new Operation Shield proposals which have been likened to the doctrine of joint enterprise. Dear Mr Johnson, Joint Enterprise: Not Guilty by Association (JENGbA) is a grassroots campaign currently supporting over 500 prisoners

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