
Europe can no longer pretend to respect human rights

Anger is building at the return of refugees from Europe to war zones and the EU’s deals with dictators and torturers to prevent refugees from leaving their own countries.  In the first of two articles, Frances Webber looks at the EU’s deals with Afghanistan and Turkey. The second article will examine the deals with African

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‘Dangerous’ Casey, failing and blaming victims

A number of experts comment on the recently published ‘Casey Review: A review into opportunity and integration’. Dr Waqas Tufail: ‘Erroneous, misguided and dangerous’ The Casey Review represents the latest attempt by the state to intervene in the lives of British Muslims. The findings reached by Louise Casey are not new, original or surprising –

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Calendar of racism and resistance (11-24 November 2016)

A fortnightly resource for anti-racist and social justice campaigns, highlighting key events in the UK and Europe. Asylum and migration 12 November: Local council leaders criticise the government for failing to place young refugee children with them despite a national transfer scheme being in place. (Guardian, 12 November 2016) 14 November: Three 16-year-old Afghan asylum

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Calendar of racism and resistance (28 October – 10 November 2016)

A fortnightly resource for anti-racist and social justice campaigns, highlighting key events in the UK and Europe. Asylum & migration 25 October: The Court of Appeal rules against the Home Office in a test case brought by a foreign student facing deportation on the basis of hearsay evidence on English language testing. (Migrants’ Rights Network,

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Interview with Schools ABC

Below we interview members of a new campaign, Schools ABC, set up to resist the encroachment of border controls in schools. What is the Schools ABC campaign? What were the concerns that led you to set it up? The Against Borders for Children campaign started with two aims – to stop the Department for Education

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Calendar of racism and resistance (14 – 27 October 2016)

A fortnightly resource for anti-racist and social justice campaigns, highlighting key events in the UK and Europe. Asylum & migration 20 September: The House of Commons European Scrutiny Committee publishes: EU Asylum Reform, download the report here. 12 October: The FN-backed mayor of the southern French town of Béziers launches a referendum on whether the town

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Calendar of racism and resistance (30 September – 13 October 2016)

A fortnightly resource for anti-racist and social justice campaigns, highlighting key events in the UK and Europe. Asylum & migration 1 October: Plans for a replacement Dungavel detention centre are revealed, to be sited near Glasgow Airport on an industrial estate, with a 12-foot fence. (The National, 1 October 2016) 1 October: Charities working at

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Marketing children in prison: G4S and outsourcing

An action workshop for Universal Children’s Day organised by Stop G4S Sheffield and South Yorkshire Migration and Asylum Action Group (SYMAAG). Saturday 19 November 2016, 10-4pm Quaker Meeting House, Sheffield, 10 St James Street, Sheffield S1 2EW Speakers: Carolyne Willow – Children Behind Bars Clare Sambrook – Eric Allison – Guardian prison correspondent of the since 2003 Speaker from Action for

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