Annual meeting of the No One Is Illegal campaigning group. Saturday 15 September 2012, 1-5.30pm 6 Boulter Street, Oxford OX4 1AX Agenda and topics for discussion iclude: Government attack on ‘foreign’ students UKBA crackdown ESOL EDL, UKIP, Daily Mail et al Fighting back – trends and developments in migrant resistance Killing migrants – the Mediterranean
Geography: Midlands
9th Memorial for Mikey Powell
A candlelit vigil and church service for Mikey Powell on the ninth anniversary of his death in Birmingham after being arrested by police. Sunday 9 September 2012 Church service at 11am at the Holy Trinity Church, Trinity Road, Birchfield, Birmingham B20 3DG Candlelit vigil from 7-8pm at Thornhill Road police station, Thornhill Road, Handsworth, Birmingham B20
Second march for Kingsley Burrell

The Campaign for Justice for Kingsley Burrell will be holding a second march for justice on 18 August in Birmingham. The family and their supporters are angry that Kingsley’s body has not yet been released sixteen months after his death in March 2011. They do not understand why Kingsley died after being detained by the
March for justice for Kingsley Burrell
A second march in memory of Kingsley Burrell who died after being arrested by police in Birmingham in March 2011. Saturday 18 August 2012, 12-4pm Assemble at Summerfield Park, Icknield Port Road, off Dudley Road, Birmingham B16 OBT to march to Centenary Square, Broad Street, Birmingham B1 2EA Related links Justice for Kingsley Burrell Campaign Campaign 4 Justice 4
Business as usual

A legal observer examining the policing of a February English Defence League (EDL) demo in Leicester, describes how its members were protected by the police whilst counter-protesters were ‘kettled’ and harassed. You had to wonder at and yet be extremely concerned about mass kettling and the suspension of rights to free assembly and movement
Boats 4 People

An imaginative project highlights migrant deaths at sea and seeks to restore traditions of humanity and rescue endangered by migration control. The callous and deliberate failure by the Italian and Spanish governments and NATO to rescue seventy-two migrants in their drifting dinghy in a Mediterranean ‘search and rescue area’, leading to the deaths of sixty-three
Children first and foremost

A new resource on Gypsies and Travellers written by young children. Gypsy and Traveller children living at Waterside Park in Worcester have produced their own book, A Kushtie Place to Live – don’t judge us until you know us. Their photos and captions illustrate where and how they live, what they like to do and
West Midlands against G4S
A demonstration against G4S’ acquisition of asylum seeker housing contracts. Tuesday 27 March 2012, 12.30-2pm 5 Stone Road, Birmingham B15 2HH
Breaking the fences
A fundraiser showing short films on freedom of movement, migration controls and resistance. Sunday 1 April 2012, 7-10pm OARC, East Oxford Community Centre, Cowley Road, Oxford OX4 1HU Films include: Short films on the border regimes of Fortress Europe
Defend the Roma Community
Europe-Roma is hosting a meeting to discuss attacks and discrimination facing the Roma. Saturday 10 March 2012, 2-4pm Unite the Union, 211 Broad Street, Birmingham B15 1AY Related links Birmingham Racial Attacks Monitoring Unit Leicester Civil Rights Movement Midlands Refugee Council West Midlands Anti-Deportation Campaign