Ferguson solidarity tour

An American campaigner from Ferguson joins UK-based campaigners and activists to discuss issues around deaths in custody. Saturday 24 January – Luton Saturday 24 January – Brixton Sunday 25 January – Tottenham Monday 26 January – University College London Monday 26 January – Portcullis House, London Tuesday 27 January -
 Goldsmiths Tuesday 27 January – KCL Wednesday 28 January – University

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Anti-racist witchcraft

The question of loyalty to British traditions was already under attack thirty years ago in relation to the work of the Institute of Race Relations. As Britain reels from the fallout from the the Paris killings, the question of British values – who belongs to the nation and how that should be expressed – have been placed centre-stage.[1] Those

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Calendar of racism and resistance (12 – 23 December 2014)

A fortnightly resource for anti-racist and social justice campaigns, highlighting key events in the UK and Europe. Extreme-right politics 12 December: Four English Defence League (EDL) supporters are jailed for a total of over six years after violence during an EDL demonstration in Birmingham city centre in July 2013, described by the judge as ‘plainly

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#StandUpWycombe #WeCantBreathe

Justice4Paps will be holding a candlelit vigil to remember ALL who have died at the hands of the police and the state in 2014  and ongoing campaigns for justice. Saturday 20 December 2014, 5-7.30pm High Wycombe police station, Queen Victoria Road, High Wycombe HP11 1BE Related links Download a flyer Download a press release Justice4Paps Justice for

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Justice4Paps vigil

A vigil for Habib ‘Paps’ Ullah, who died in High Wycombe police custody, on what would have been his birthday. Saturday 20 December 2014, 5pm High Wycombe police station, Queen Victoria Road, High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire HP11 1BE The vigil will also remember all those people who have died at the hands of the police and

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Calendar of racism and resistance (14 – 27 November 2014)

A fortnightly resource for anti-racist and social justice campaigns, highlighting key events in the UK and Europe. Asylum seekers and refugees 14 November: It is revealed that an unnamed language analyst working for Swedish firm Sprakab, is a convicted drug smuggler whose expert reports have been used to refuse asylum to hundreds in the UK.

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Landlord immigration checks pilot scheme

A briefing and planning meeting to examine the effects of the Home Office ‘pilot’ scheme for immigration checks by landlords. Wednesday 12 November 2014, 4.30-6pm DLA Piper UK LLP, Victoria House, Victoria Square, Birmingham B2 4DL Related links Register online via Eventbrite Movement Against Xenophobia website Movement Against Xenophobia Facebook group Movement Against Xenophobia on

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Screening of ‘Black Britannica’

A screening of David Koff’s historic Blacks Britannica (1978) hosted by South London Anti-Fascists. Thursday 30 October 2014, 7pm Cinema (Room RHB 185), Goldsmiths University, London SE14 6NW Blacks Britannica shows the realities of race and class in 1970s Britain with rare honesty and is a powerful base for thinking about racism and the state today.

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Calendar of racism and resistance (4-16 October 2014)

A fortnightly resource for anti-racist and social justice campaigns, highlighting key events in the UK and Europe. Asylum seekers and refugees 6 October: Corporate Watch reveals that NHS England has awarded G4S a series of contracts worth some £23 million to run medical facilities at four immigration removal centres in the UK. (Corporate Watch, 6

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‘Hell on Earth’ – a new film on immigration detention

A compelling documentary by Standoff Films lays bare the horror of Campsfield immigration removal centre in Oxfordshire. When Injustice, Ken Fero’s pathbreaking 2001 documentary about black deaths in custody was recently re-shown on London’s South Bank, Guardian film critic Peter Bradshaw was part of the post-screening panel. Bradshaw, describing his shock when he first watched

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