News Service


The price of PR?

Recent Freedom of Information requests have revealed that the Home Office has paid over quarter of a million pounds to the Daily Mail and Daily Telegraph in 2014, for sponsored articles, advertorials and digital advertising.  Last year, a number of advertorials were published in the Daily Mail and the Daily Telegraph which were sponsored by

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Flemming Rose and the absence of empathy

An account of the Danish Muhammad cartoon crisis by one of its main instigators, the cultural editor of the paper which published them, Jyllands-Posten, is unsurprisingly lacking in self-awareness or understanding of his targets, says Danish anthropologist Peter Hervik. To a great extent, many of the stories touched upon by Flemming Rose in The Tyranny

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Fighting for the soul of the voluntary sector

Everyone should read a recent report by the National Coalition of Independent Action (NCIA) on the ways in which neoliberal policies are destroying the purpose and politics of voluntary groups. From time to time IRR News has commented on the ways in which privatisation, subcontracting and marketisation are infiltrating voluntary groups in the race and

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IRR News 30 January – 12 February 2015

Dear IRR News subscriber, This week, IRR News focuses on issues of vital importance to all those who engage with young people from BME communities and do not want to see them further marginalised and criminalised. We lead with an essay by two educationalists who have just guest-edited, with others, a special issue of Race Equality

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Archaic Operation Shield?

Below we reproduce a letter to the Mayor of London, Boris Johnson, by the Joint Enterprise Not Guilty by Association Campaign (JENGbA) on his new Operation Shield proposals which have been likened to the doctrine of joint enterprise. Dear Mr Johnson, Joint Enterprise: Not Guilty by Association (JENGbA) is a grassroots campaign currently supporting over 500 prisoners

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Met introduces collective punishment measures

Community activists respond to Boris Johnson’s Operation Shield proposals – a ‘tough new gang intervention pilot’. The Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime (MOPAC) has announced that Operation Shield, a new pilot to tackle ‘gang’ crime, ‘will see members of some of the most active gangs in London collectively punished for the criminal actions of individual

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Counter-terrorism policy and re-analysing extremism

Below is an edited transcript of a talk given by Arun Kundnani, author of ‘The Muslims are coming: Islamophobia, extremism and the domestic war on terror’, in January 2015, shortly after the Paris killings. The situation we find ourselves in is not entirely new. Most of what we’ve seen over the last few days is

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The Great British Values Disaster – education, security and vitriolic hate

Educationalists Bill Bolloten and Robin Richardson discuss the impacts of the ‘fundamental British values’ (FBV) agenda.  The time is late January 2015. The place is a university campus somewhere in England. ‘Kill Islam,’ says a piece of graffiti scrawled in big red letters on one of the university’s buildings, ‘before it kills you’. ‘How do I feel?’

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IRR News 16 – 29 January 2015

Dear IRR News subscriber, Freedom of thought, expression and inquiry is under renewed threat from governments which, paradoxically, claim to be fighting to preserve of freedom of expression in Europe. This is the view of Frances Webber who considers a number of disturbing cases in France and Belgium, particularly those that affect children who find

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