News Service

IRR News (9 – 22 February 2018)

Dear IRR News subscriber, On 4 March, Italy, which just witnessed the wounding of six Africans in a two-hour shooting spree in Macerata by a racist, holds its general election, with the increasingly popular Northern League and Forza Italia threatening mass deportations should they come to power. IRR News’ calendar of racism and resistance reveals

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Calendar of racism and resistance (9-22 February 2018)

A fortnightly resource for anti-racist and social justice campaigns, highlighting key events in the UK and Europe. Asylum and migration 5 February: On the eve of the fourth anniversary of the Tarajal tragedy, when at least fourteen migrants drowned as civil guards used rubber bullets and tear gas to stop them reaching the Spanish enclave

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Save Southall Town Hall

Long-time campaigner Suresh Grover reports from a demonstration at the weekend to save Southall Town Hall from development.  It was an extraordinary and historic event. In order to save Southall Town Hall, we gathered peacefully in our hundreds, occupied the main traffic junction and crossway adjacent to the town hall, and for the first time in the

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IRR News (26 January – 8 February 2018)

Dear IRR News subscriber, The unique contribution of IRR Director Emeritus A. Sivanandan, who died on 3 January, to anti-racist and progressive causes in the UK and around the world has not just been noted in eighty-four comments on IRR’s website but also been discussed in a number of appreciations that have appeared in print

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Calendar of racism and resistance (26 January – 8 February 2018)

A fortnightly resource for anti-racist and social justice campaigns, highlighting key events in the UK and Europe. Asylum and migration 25 January: The Jesuit Refugee Service publishes a report which finds that refused asylum seekers in London face homelessness and destitution. Download the report, Out in the cold: Homelessness among destitute refugees in London –

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How refugee and migrant solidarity groups are confronting the hostile environment

A review of recent pan-European developments in the criminalisation of solidarity. New developments are emerging in the criminalisation of solidarity, as the hostile environment principle, familiar to us in the UK, is adapted to other European contexts, further shrinking the space for solidarity. The IRR’s report Humanitarianism: the unacceptable face of solidarity, in which we

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IRR News (12-25 January 2018)

Dear IRR News subscriber, This week the IRR’s Sophia Siddiqui examines the recent controversy surrounding a secret eugenics conference held at University College London. We also have our regular calendar of racism and resistance, a fortnightly resource for anti-racist and social justice campaigns. And just to remind you you still have another month to take advantage of a

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Eugenics, free speech, double standards

Discredited racial theories are discussed in secret academic forums, while Muslim and BAME students face extreme surveillance on campus. So why the double standard? Earlier this month, the London Student newspaper revealed that a eugenics conference has been secretly held at University College London for the past three years. The London Conference on Intelligence has

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Calendar of racism and resistance (12 – 25 January 2018)

A fortnightly resource for anti-racist and social justice campaigns, highlighting key events in the UK and Europe. Asylum and migration 11 January: Right to Remain publishes the latest version of its toolkit for understanding the UK asylum and immigration system, view online here.  11 January: The Habeas Corpus Project wins a judicial review and obtains

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