News Service

IRR News 5-11 October 2012

Dear IRR News subscriber, This week, the IRR’s Liz Fekete asks why Muslim citizens accused of supporting terrorism are not charged but extradited, while those who support terrorist violence on the far Right are left free. The IRR’s vice-chair Frances Webber’s new book Borderline Justice: the fight for refugee and migrant rights, has just been

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European collusion in human rights abuse

How is it that Muslim citizens accused of support for terrorism are not charged but extradited, while far-right supporters of terrorism roam free? On 24 September, as part of a forty-strong delegation of observers, I was in Morocco at the appeal hearing in the Rabat-Salé court of the Belgian-Moroccan dual national, Ali Aarrass. Aarrass’ conviction and fifteen-year

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Shooting rampage in Front National (FN) heartland

A Facebook campaign was set up denouncing the prosecution of a French couple motivated by anti-Arab racism. On the night of 4-5 August, in the small town of Aigues-Mortes, Gard, William Vidal, a fireman, and his wife Monique Guindon were driving slowly past a group of young people of north African origin chatting in front

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Two years on and no justice for Jimmy Mubenga

Next week, anti-G4S campaigners will mark the two years since the death of Jimmy Mubenga during a forced deportation on 12 October 2010. Jimmy Mubenga, an Angolan father of five, died on a British Airways plane at Heathrow after he was restrained by three guards from G4S, which was contracted to carry out ‘escorting’ (deportations)

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IRR News 28 September-4 October 2012

Dear IRR News subscriber, This week, Nicky Road reports on a recent conference held in London which brought together organisations helping separated young asylum seekers. We also highlight a demonstration taking place on 12 October to mark the second anniversary of Jimmy Mubenga’s death. In other news from across the UK, Daniel Rogers has been

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Facing the Abyss

A recent conference presented the challenges facing separated children seeking asylum as they turn 18. The  conference, organised by the Royal Holloway and the Tavistock and Portman NHS on 19 September, brought together lawyers, teachers, mental health workers, social workers, refugee organisations and young asylum seekers to share their knowledge and experiences and to establish

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IRR News 21-27 September 2012

Dear IRR News subscriber, This week, the new issue of the IRR’s journal Race & Class is hot off the press and the lead article by Arun Kundnani analyses the concept of Muslim radicalisation now central in the counter-terrorism industry. And the IRR’s executive director, Liz Fekete joined a European delegation in Morocco attending the

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Press Release

Radicalism and radicalisation

In the latest issue of Race & Class, Arun Kundnani analyses the concept of Muslim radicalisation now central in the counter-terrorism industry while Ashley Lavelle charts Eldridge Cleaver’s journey from radical ‘Soul on Ice’ to renegade ‘Soul for Hire’. The October 2012 issue of Race & Class explores radicalism and radicalisation. Kundnani’s ‘Radicalisation: the journey

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Stop G4S Convergence

Next weekend Sheffield will witness a Convergence of activists campaigning against the many faces of G4S. The Convergence has been called by organisations campaigning against the activities of G4S and aims to plan how to build a more effective Stop G4S campaign. Supported and endorsed by the Boycott Israel Network, Corporate Watch, Dundee Trades Council,

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Ali Aarrass appeal heard

European delegation goes to Ali Aarass hearing in Morocco. On 24 September, IRR executive director, Liz Fekete and vice-chair Frances Webber joined an international delegation of lawyers, scholars, human rights activists, journalists and filmmakers at the Appeal Court at Rabat-Salé to hear the long-awaited appeal of the dual Belgian-Moroccan national Ali Aarrass on terrorism charges.

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