News Service


Swiss referendum: flying the flag for nativism

Swiss nativist parties have drawn a new line in the sand, winning the admiration of those campaigning to end EU free movement rights. Anti-immigration and nativist movements across Europe are increasingly turning their ire on eastern European workers exercising free movement rights under EU foundational treaties. UKIP’s position – that ‘unfettered free movement from the

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Law overridden to penalise refugees

Fifteen years after the High Court condemned the prosecution of refugees for using false documents in their quest for a place of safety and parliament provided a statutory defence, they are still being wrongly convicted and sent to prison. The 1951 Refugee Convention is quite clear: penalties must not be imposed on refugees (including asylum

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IRR News 21 – 27 February 2014

Dear IRR News subscriber, In a week when the Migration Advisory Committee has put forward proposals to auction off British visas to the highest bidders, Frances Webber asks whether the UK is turning into an offshore enclave for the world’s wealthiest, at the expense of the most vulnerable? The latest Race & Class radio broadcast is

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Black history, black politics on Race & Class radio

The latest broadcast of Race & Class radio is now available to download. In the latest Race & Class radio show, Chris Searle discusses revolutionary poet Peter Blackman, who, despite being at the vortex of Black cultural expression for much of the 20th century, never received his due. Chris Searle also reads Peter Blackman’s poetry

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Malcolm X’s visit to Britain

A new historical book looks at Malcolm X’s 1964 visit to Britain. Malcolm X was assassinated forty-nine years ago last week. As people reflect on his life and legacy, a new book looks at the visit he made to Britain toward the end of his life. In November 1964, Malcolm X ended a tour of

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IRR News 14 – 20 February 2014

Dear IRR News subscriber, This week, a translator and human rights activist analyses the ongoing issues thrown up by the privatisation of court interpreting services by the Ministry of Justice. We also show how a small far-right campaign against a Muslim Legoland fun-day has been mainstreamed by the Daily Mail’s Richard Littlejohn. In news from

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The building bricks of a rightwing press onslaught

A small far-right campaign against a Muslim Legoland fun-day has been mainstreamed by the Mail’s Richard Littlejohn.   In recent months, Casuals United, a splinter group of the English Defence League, has been harassing venues hosting events run by so-called Islamists in an attempt to have them cancelled. In the latest example of this tactic,

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IRR News: 7 – 13 February 2014

Dear IRR News subscriber, Two giants of the Caribbean diaspora died this week – Stuart Hall, academic and cultural theorist; Buzz Johnson, publisher and people’s educator. Their lives and legacies are discussed by David Edgar and Jenny Bourne. With a new Home Office manual on deportation expected in the near future, IRR News has obtained

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