News Service


‘Never ever, never ever give up’

A reflection on deaths that took place on 15 April 1989 and the state’s response. As a teenager I watched the Hillsborough tragedy unfold on the telly. It was a Saturday afternoon and my sisters and I were doing our chores or homework. I remember one of my sisters calling us and we crowded around

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IRR News 4 April – 10 April 2014

Dear IRR News subscriber, This week, the April issue of Race & Class is out, which assesses popular debate around the far Right in Europe. We also provide overviews of racist violence, convictions and far-right terror attacks in Northern Ireland and the rest of the UK over the first three months of 2014. And Phil

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Spotlight on racial violence: January – March 2014

An overview of acts of domestic terror against Muslims and racist attacks in the first three months of 2014. The ‘global war on terror’ has for some time now been over, according to leading politicians and some political commentators. Given that many of its hallmarks are still in operation, such a claim could easily be

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Spotlight on racial violence: Northern Ireland

An overview of racist attacks and convictions in Northern Ireland: January – March 2014. On the eve of the new year, the British mainstream media was awash with headlines anticipating the end of the seven-year long transitional restrictions on Bulgarian and Romanian migrant workers on 1 January 2014. Press reporters and photographers lined airport baggage

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Majestic deportations?

A mentally ill Nigerian woman stands naked on the runway in Lagos and takes an overdose. She has just been deported from Britain. The Home Office calls this ‘Operation Majestic’.  The deportation of star pupil Yashika Bageerathi to Mauritius put Home Office practice in the spotlight. Now a new report by the prison inspector gives

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Press Release

The weight of words

The latest issue of Race & Class assesses popular debate around issues involving the far Right in Europe. In ‘The weight of words: the freedom of expression debate in Norway‘, Sindre Bangstad, an affiliate researcher at the Faculty of Theology, University of Oslo, explores the philosophical and political underpinnings of the freedom of expression debate

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IRR News 28 March – 3 April 2014

Dear IRR News subscriber, On Sunday 30 March, a forty-year-old Jamaican woman, Christine Case, died in Yarl’s Wood immigration removal centre after reportedly suffering a heart attack. She is the fourteenth person to have died in immigration detention in the UK in the last ten years, and there have been repeated concerns about the level

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Another preventable death in immigration detention?

On Sunday 30 March, Christine Case a 40-year-old Jamaican woman died at Yarl’s Wood immigration removal centre near Bedford. According to reports in the press[1], Christine Case was heard calling for help and had complained of chest pains shortly before she suffered a heart attack. The emergency services were called around 8am but she was

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IRR News 21 – 27 March 2014

Dear IRR News subscriber, The Crown Prosecution Service has announced that there is now enough evidence to charge the three G4S officers involved in the death of Jimmy Mubenga in October 2010 with manslaughter. This week, we reflect on the lengths that the families of those who have died at the hands of the state

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