Community monitor volunteer training

A training day on community monitoring of the police. Saturday 29 November 2014, 10.30-4pm Sustained Theatre Up North, Z-Arts Centre, 335 Stretford Road, Manchester M15 5ZA RELATED LINKS Northern Police Monitoring Project NETPOL  

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Inequality & broken politics in austerity Britain 

A Counterfire discussion on how the left should respond to the big challenges and opportunities of modern politics. Tuesday 2 December 2014, 7.45-9.45pm Room G2, SOAS, University of London (main building), London WC1H 0XG Speakers include: Danny Dorling – author of Inequality and the 1% Lindsey German – Counterfire Liz Fekete – Institute of Race Relations Chris Bambery –

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Institutional Islamophobia

An IHRC conference to examine state racism and institutional Islamophobia. Saturday 13 December 2014, 2-6.30pm Rooms MAL 414 and 415, Birkbeck, University of London, Malet Street, London WC1E 7HX Speakers include: Malia Bouattia – Black Students’ Officer at the National Union of Students Marie Breen-Smythe –  University of Surrey Les Levidow – Campaign Against Criminalising Communities Richard

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The new face of local immigration enforcement

A MRN and RAMFEL public meeting to discuss the new wave of immigration enforcement.  Friday 12 December 2014, 1.15-4pm Farringdon Room, St. Bride Foundation, Bride Lane, Fleet Street, London EC4Y 8EQ Speakers include: • Don Flynn & Ruth Grove-White – Migrants’ Rights Network • Rita Chadha – RAMFEL • Sue Lukes – Migration, Equalities and Service Provision Specialist • Barbara Cohen –

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Home Office contractors ‘expected to lie’, inspection reveals

Phil Miller of Corporate Watch examines a recent report[1] from the prison inspectorate on charter deportations from the UK. Security guards from Capita subsidiary Tascor were ‘expected to lie’ to people about being deported, raising the risk of self-harm, a new report by the Prison Inspector Nick Hardwick reveals. Guards were also ‘asleep for significant’ periods

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Landlord penalties and the right to housing

Forcing private landlords to police undocumented migrants will exacerbate inequality and deflect blame for the housing shortage. The drive to embed immigration enforcement into all aspects of economic and social life is about to become even more intrusive. From 1 December, in a pilot scheme, residential landlords in Birmingham, Wolverhampton, Dudley, Walsall and Sandwell[1] will

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Abandoning Gypsy, Traveller and Roma communities … the UK way

Two new reports, prepared by the National Federation of Gypsy Liaison Groups (NFGLG), with the assistance of academic colleagues, ask hard questions of the coalition government. The European Commission (EC) gave the UK government an ‘overall poor rating’ for the progress report it delivered in 2012 on its Roma integration strategy. The EC uses ‘Roma’

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Redefining Gypsies and Travellers

Gypsy and Traveller groups are angrily responding to the coalition’s consultation document, which proposes to redefine who can be considered a Gypsy or Traveller for the purposes of meeting obligations under planning law. A new consultation paper on Planning and Travellers from the Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG) proposes to redefine what a

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The slippery, cynical politics of asylum

At the start of the run-up to the 2015 election, John Grayson, a campaigner in South Yorkshire, examines the main political parties’ line on asylum. ‘The UK has a proud history of offering sanctuary to those who need it.’ A Home Office spokeswoman on Channel 4 News after the disclosure that the Home Office had

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Calendar of racism and resistance (31 October-13 November 2014)

A fortnightly resource for anti-racist and social justice campaigns, highlighting key events in the UK and Europe. Asylum seekers and refugees 3 November: The trial of three G4S guards on charges of the manslaughter of Jimmy Mubenga, during a deportation in October 2010, begins at the Old Bailey. The court is told the guards repeatedly

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