
G4S confronted

Last week, campaigners from numerous organisations brought their grievances about the human rights abuses of G4S directly to their annual general meeting. A lively protest took place outside Salter’s Hall in the city. As shareholders arrived, they were met with a mock barricade and prison cell and over seventy activists shouting anti-G4S slogans. Inside the

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Cracks in the Dutch deportation and detention regime

A series of hunger strikes, following allegations of abuse, force and the use of forged documents, are showing up the fault lines in the Dutch detention system. For the first time in more than a decade, hundreds of people in Dutch immigration detention centres have gone on hunger strikes in protest at their hopeless situation.

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Miscarriages of justice in Ireland

The first annual human rights conference of Justice Watch Ireland. Saturday 22 June 2013, 11-2pm Holiday Inn Hotel, 22 Ormeau Avenue, Belfast BT2 8HS Speakers include: Paddy Hill – Birmingham Six Gareth Peirce – Human rights solicitor Moazzam Begg – Guantanamo Bay detainee Phil Scraton – Hillsborough Independent Panel John Finucane – Human rights lawyer

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Germany, the far Right and the NSU trial

Attacks in Germany linked to the NSU trial demonstrate that the far Right does not need a stimulus for violence. Following the brutal murder of Drummer Lee Rigby in Woolwich and attacks on several mosques, the government-funded Tell MAMA project warned of the dangers of cumulative extremism, tit-for-tat violence between Islamists and counter-jihadists and a

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Complicity: Europe colludes with torture

A screening of the documentary Ali Aarrass pour l’example (subtitled in English), the story of a Belgian dual national extradited from Spain to face torture and imprisonment in Morocco. Monday 17 June 2013, 6.30-8.30pm Room K-1.56, King’s College London, Strand, London WC2R 2LS Followed by a panel discussion featuring: Farida Aarrass – Ali’s sister Luk

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G8: week of action

A week of action and events across the UK. Saturday 8 June – Saturday 15 June 2013 Locations across London Related links StopG8 Network StopG8 Network on Facebook StopG8 Network on Twitter Calendar of events

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Against repression

The StopG8 week of actions and events ends with a solidarity benefit night of militant music. In support of the 10×100 Years of Jail Campaign in Italy (Marina & Alberto were jailed last year for the anti-G8 protests in Genoa 2001) and the United Families & Friends Campaign (families & friends fighting for justice for

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Killer blows to justice

In the blizzard of coalition measures wreaking destruction on living standards, the justice ministry’s proposals on legal aid will once again bear down hardest on poor BME, Muslim and migrant communities. From the introduction of a residence test for civil legal aid, to the withdrawal of public funding for challenges to mistreatment in prison and

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Protest at G4S AGM

A protest organised by Stop G4S outside the annual general meeting of G4S. Thursday 6 June 2013, 1pm Salters’ Hall, 4 Fore Street, London EC2Y 5DE Related links Stop G4S Stop G4S on Twitter Stop G4S on Facebook Facebook event listing Download a flyer here

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Anti-fascism – extreme necessity

An interview with a spokesperson from Antirassisistischer und Antifaschister Ratschlag. European government counter-extremism policies which classify fascism as just another form of contemporary extremism (which also includes Left extremism and in some cases anti-fascism) are being resisted by victim support groups in Germany. In 2012, at a time when the federal government was attempting to

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