The 1980s: Black art and socio-politics

A lecture on black visual art in 1980s Britain. Tuesday 26 February 2013, 6-7.30pm Senate House Court Room, first floor, University of London, Russell Square, London WC1E 7HU Speakers: Dr Rina Arya – University of Wolverhampton Related links The Black & Asian Studies Association

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International Huntley symposium

The International Symposium of the Friends of the Huntley Archives. Wednesday 20 February 2013, 5-7pm London Metropolitan Archives, 40 Northampton Road, London EC1R 0HB Speaking: Professor Hilary Beckles – author of Britain’s Black Debt Related links Friends of the Huntley Archives

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Consultation on the education of Traveller children raises concerns

The Department for Education is currently consulting on proposals to bring Traveller parents in line with other parents whereby they can be prosecuted for their child’s non-attendance at school. The Department’s purported reason for making these changes is to improve school attendance, which in turn raises education outcomes. This would represent a major change to

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Huntley archive heritage road show

An event to compare objects, share histories and uncover stories of community struggles in the UK. Friday 15 February 2013, 7pm Victoria and Albert Museum, Cromwell Road, South Kensington, London SW7 2RL RELATED LINKS Huntley Archive Victoria and Albert Museum London Metropolitan Archives Book a ticket here

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Why the voluntary sector is under threat

A report into the independence of the voluntary sector holds important lessons for groups struggling for funding and their very existence. The voluntary sector is under threat. So, who cares, you might reply, everything is up for grabs these days. It is not enough to throw up ones hands and see the demise of the

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‘Integration, integration, integration’

Does Eric Pickles’ integration speech last week foretell an emphasis on a new patriotism? Communities secretary Eric Pickles gave his first speech on integration last week, at an event hosted by the think-tanks British Future and Policy Exchange. Arguing that language was the cornerstone of Conservative integration strategy, he vowed to tackle the ‘statist’ policies which,

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Through the generations

A new exhibition on the untold stories of Tamil migration includes interviews with the IRR’s A. Sivanandan. The exhibition is the culmination of a one-year project by Race On The Agenda (ROTA) and the Tamil Community Centre in Hounslow. The project: ‘Through the generations: untold stories of Tamil migration’ has collated the oral stories of

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Through the generations

An exhibition featuring the histories of Tamil migrants to the UK. Official opening: Saturday 19 January 2013, 1-5pm Wednesday 16 January – Friday 25 January 2013 Paul Robeson Theatre Café, 1st Floor, Treaty Centre, High Street, Hounslow TW3 1ES Related links Download a flyer (pdf file, 704kb) Race On The Agenda (ROTA) Parking and Access

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Press Release

The 1949 Causeway Green ‘riots’ reassessed

Kevin Searle’s ‘“Mixing of the unmixables”: the 1949 Causeway Green “riots” in Birmingham’  examines a hitherto unknown landmark in British race relations which throws into question standard accounts of postwar immigration. Most popular accounts begin with the arrival of Jamaican immigrants on the Empire Windrush, and place the 1958 disturbances in Notting Hill and Nottingham

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SHAKE! Arts, media, race, power

A five-day course for 16-25 year olds to creatively express feelings and frustrations about the injustices of society. Monday-Friday, 18-22 February 2013 Stephen Lawrence Centre, 39 Brookmill Road, Deptford, London SE8 4HU Activities include: Interactive workshops with artists and educators Online media, film/video and music technology Access to a/v equipment and workshop spaces Opportunities to showcase

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