
Youth, welfare and the legacy of structural racism

Will those from BAME communities be disproportionately affected by the government’s intensive workfare programme for young people? The mandatory three-week ‘boot camps’ planned for 18-21-year-olds claiming out-of-work benefits, outlined last month by Cabinet Office minister Matthew Hancock, are only the latest salvo in the government’s punitive approach to young people. Set to be implemented next year, they

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Calendar of racism and resistance (17 – 30 July 2015)

A fortnightly resource for anti-racist and social justice campaigns, highlighting key events in the UK and Europe. Violence and harassment 17 July: Nearly 100 refugees are evacuated from Quinto di Treviso, Italy, after two days of protests that saw local residents and members of the far-right Casa Pound storm the refugees’ accommodation and set fire to

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Roma Holocaust Memorial Day

The 70th anniversary of the Roma Genocide at the Hyde Park Holocaust Memorial, to coincide with events across Europe. Sunday 2 August 2015  12 noon Holocaust Memorial Garden, Hyde Park Related links Europe Roma Network Facebook page Gypsy Council Traveller Movement

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East London Rising

A week of free workshops, discussions, films, skillshares on housing, austerity, poverty, racism, state violence. Monday 3 August – Sunday 9 August 2015 London Action Resource Centre, 62 Fieldgate Street, London E1 1ES Related links More details here Programme of events London Action Resource Centre

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No Colour Bar: Black British Art in Action 1960-1990

An exhibition examining Black British cultural identities, heritage and creative voices – and the struggle Black British artists faced to have their voices heard – from the 1960s to the 1990s. 10 July 2015 – 24 January 2016 Guildhall Art Gallery, Guildhall Yard, London EC2V 5AE The focus is on the life works of Eric and Jessica Huntley and the

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Summer social

A summer social hosted by the London Campaign Against Police and State Violence, Housing Action Southwark and Lambeth and Football beyond Borders. Sunday 9 August 2015, 2-7pm Angel Town, Serenaders Road, Brixton, London SW9 7QP Related links Facebook event listing London Campaign Against Police and State Violence Housing Action Southwark and Lambeth Football Beyond Borders

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Remembering Claudia Jones

A presentation of the findings of the Claudia Jones Research Project, as part of the Malcolm X Summer Festival. Saturday 12 September 2015, 6.30pm Black Cultural Archives, Windrush Square, London SW2 1EF Related links See the event page on Facebook Download a flyer for the event here

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Charlie Hebdo backlash – the unredacted story

A new report by Le Collectif Contre l’Islamophobie en France (CCIF) documents the intensification of violence against Muslims following the Paris attacks in January 2015. After the terrorist attacks earlier this year in France – in which eleven staff at the magazine Charlie Hebdo were gunned down, a police officer outside was killed, another police officer killed

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Preserving Britain’s Black heroes

Below we reproduce a review of a new exhibition, ‘No Colour Bar’, which was previously published in The Voice. A new exhibition breathes life into a story of struggle and activism that is truly home-grown. We often view Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King and Malcolm X as having ascended the mountain-top of black achievement and activism.

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Joint enterprise in action

Below we reproduce an article written by trainee barrister, Josh Radcliffe, on a recent joint enterprise trial observed at Birmingham Crown Court. To the casual visitor to Birmingham’s court twelve on any given day between early January and the end of April 2015, the importance of the proceedings taking place would likely be lost. First appearances

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