
Calendar of racism and resistance (15 – 28 January 2016)

A fortnightly resource for anti-racist and social justice campaigns, highlighting key events in the UK and Europe. Asylum & migration 13 January: Refugees including children are walking through Russia to Finland in temperatures of minus 30 degrees, according to reports. (Independent Barents Observer, 13 January 2016) 14 January: The Solicitors Regulation Authority announces a review

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Press Release

Reparative histories of redress

The January 2016 issue of Race & Class is a special issue on the theme of ‘reparative histories’. In ‘Reparative histories: radical narratives of “race” and resistance’, Cathy Bergin and Anita Rupprecht, organisers of a conference on this theme in 2014, collect a series of essays investigating the complex interactions of history, race, agency, memory

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Paul Robeson: anniversary event

An event to mark the fortieth anniversary of the death of Paul Robeson. Friday 12 February 2016, 6-8.30pm Marx Memorial Library, 37A Clerkenwell Green, London EC1R 0DU Speakers include: Tayo Aluko – writer and performer of the award winning play – Call Mr. Robeson Hakim Adi – Black radical scholar Glenroy Watson – President of

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Animating Black Archives

The annual Huntley Conference on the purpose of archives, historical Black narratives, and the future of collective and individual Black archival collections. Saturday 27 February 2016, 11-3.45pm London Metropolitan Archives, 40 Northampton Road, London EC1R 0HB Discussions include: ‘One Object. Many Stories’ Archives from the Inside Out – individual presentations by four partner organisations Presentation by photographer – Charlie

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‘Reparative histories’: Race & Class launch

A meeting to launch the Race & Class special issue, ‘Reparative histories: radical narratives of “race” and resistance’. Tuesday 23 February 2016, 6.15-8pm Institute of Race Relations, 2-6 Leeke Street, London WC1X 9HS Speakers include:  Guest editors of the issue, Cathy Bergin and Anita Rupprecht Chaired by Colin Prescod – Institute of Race Relations  Related links Buy the

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Calendar of racism and resistance (18 December 2015 – 14 January 2015)

A fortnightly resource for anti-racist and social justice campaigns, highlighting key events in the UK and Europe. Policing & criminal justice 17 December: The Supreme Court rules that ‘random’ stop and search powers have adequate safeguards in place and that the powers bring ’great benefits to the public’. (Guardian, 17 December 2015) 22 December: The Independent Police

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IRR books on special offer

The IRR is selling off remaindered copies of books it published (with the Oxford University Press) between 1958 and 1975, many of which are out of print. If there are particular titles you would like to get hold of contact and we will let you know if we can supply them and at what

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Dangerous associations: Joint enterprise, gangs and racism

Meetings in Manchester and Tottenham to launch a new report on Joint Enterprise convictions. Monday 25 January 2016 8.30-10am, Friends’ Meeting House, 6 Mount Street, Manchester M2 5NS 7-8.30pm, North London Community House, Moorefield Road, Tottenham, London N17 6PY Speakers include: Report authors Becky Clarke and Patrick Williams (Manchester Metropolitan University) Stafford Scott (Tottenham Rights) Related links JENGbA

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Shake! Showcase: Resistance is Fertile

A showcase featuring poetic, filmic & musical responses to injustice  from the participants on the 2015 Shake! courses. Tuesday 26 January 2016, 7.30pm Rich Mix, 35-47 Bethnal Green Road, London E1 6LA Related links Voices That Shake! Buy tickets from Rich Mix here Facebook event listing View a flyer here

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