
Justice delayed is justice denied

On Saturday 3 August, over 500 people gathered at the North London Community House in Tottenham to remember Joy Gardner, Mark Duggan, Roger Sylvester and Cynthia Jarrett, who all died locally at the hands of the police. The event was held to mark the two years since the death of Mark Duggan and the twenty

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Remembering the Roma Holocaust

On Friday 2 August, Romani rights activists and supporters commemorated the Roma Holocaust and protested at Europe’s continued mistreatment of the Roma. In 1944, on 2 August, Nazi guards at Auschwitz murdered almost 3,000 Roma at its ‘Gypsy family camp’. This is now the memorial day of the Roma Holocaust – or Porajmos (the ‘devouring’)

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Brixton riots on film

Three films about the 1981 Brixton riots, followed by discussion. Monday 12 August 2013, 7.30pm Pogo Cafe, 76 Clarence Road, Clapton, London E5 8HB Related links Download a flyer for the event here North London Solidarity Federation

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Sounds like London

The launch of a new book, charting a century of black music in London and the social impact of successive waves of musical innovation. Wednesday 21 August 2013, 7pm Housmans, 5 Caledonian Road, London N1 9DX Speaker: Lloyd Bradley – author of Sounds like London RELATED LINKS Housmans Bookshop

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London Against Racism

A new oral history project documents key moments in London’s anti-racist struggle. Eastside Community Heritage, which records and preserves social history in East London, has launched a new online oral history archive. London Against Racism allows visitors to listen to stories of anti-racist activity over four decades. Local activists recount various battles against racism and

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‘It’s like a war’

Roma communities under fire from the far Right in the Czech Republic need pan-European support. Hitler’s genocide against the Roma, which started with the roundup of Sinti in Germany in 1933, is commemorated annually on 2 August. A day of action in London begins with a protest outside the Czech Embassy. The background to the

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Battling against the odds

A combination of documentary and theatre in north London looks at twenty-first century poverty from the point of view of those experiencing it. Lost Nation, by Red Room Productions, explores the human cost of the government’s politics of austerity. Beginning with a short film, local Brent residents explain in detail the realities of low wage

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It takes a village to raise a child

A day of dialogue within the black community around adoption. Sunday 4 August 2013, 10-6pm Brixton Library, Brixton Oval, London SW2 1JQ Related links The Afrikan Family Works Download a flyer for the event here.

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Rally for legal aid

A rally against the proposed cuts to legal aid. Tuesday 30 July 2013, 4.30-6.30pm Old Bailey, London EC4M 7EH Related links Justice Alliance Download a flyer for the event here

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Roma protest: commemoration of the Roma genocide

A day of protest against racism and fascism against the Roma community and in commemoration of the Roma genocide. A protest against the rise of Neo-Nazi attacks against the Roma in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Friday 2 August 2013, 3pm The Czech Embassy, 26 Kensington Palace Gardens, London W8 4QY A memorial for the

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