Surround Harmondsworth!

A demonstration outside Harmondsworth detention centre. Saturday 7 June 2014, 1pm Harmondsworth immigration removal centre, Colnbrook by-pass, West Drayton, Middlesex UB7 0HB Related links Movement for Justice Unity Centre Glasgow NUS Black Students Campaign SOAS Detainee Support Group Leeds No Borders London Guantanamo Campaign

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Funeral of Christine Case to take place

Christine Case died while being held at Yarl’s Wood Removal Centre on Sunday 30 March 2014. Her family is asking concerned individuals to attend the funeral to show their support. Christine Case, a 40-year-old Jamaican woman, died at Yarl’s Wood immigration removal centre near Bedford. Emergency services were called to the centre at around 8am but she

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Justice Denied screening

A screening of Ken Fero’s documentary ‘Justice Denied’, followed by a discussion. Tuesday, 3 June 2014, 6pm-8pm Brixton Community Base, Talma Road, London SW2 1AS Discussion with representatives from: Anti Raids Network London Campaign Against Police and State Violence RELATED LINKS Anti Raids Network London Campaign Against Police and State Violence Migrant Media on vimeo

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Migrant Voice annual conference

A two day conference to initiate an inclusive debate on migration, examine public attitudes and media representations of migrants and raise alternative voices and messages. Friday, 6 June 2014, 12pm-7pm – Saturday, 7 June 2014, 9am-2pm Amnesty International, the Human Rights Action Centre, 17-25 New Inn Yard, London EC2A 3EA Speakers include: Philippe Legrain Harriet

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No formal apology from Liddle or the Spectator

On Wednesday 14 May 2014, the Traveller Movement protested outside the offices of the Spectator. Last October, Spectator columnist Rod Liddle asked his readers ‘what do you call travellers when they are no longer travelling’, in preparation for the speculated New Year’s flood of Romanian and Bulgarian Roma, which never came. ‘It still seems to

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Rally against racism

A Movement Against Xenophobia meeting on countering anti-immigrant discourses in the UK. Monday 19 May 2014, 7pm Indian YMCA, 41 Fitzroy Square, London WC1 6QA Speakers include: Natalie Bennett – Green Party Tommy Tomescu – Alliance Against Romanian and Bulgarian Discrimination Jasna Badzak – former UKIP Press Officer Shreya Paudel – International Students Officer, NUS

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Help Educate All Roma Together

The presentation of the findings of a local authority project on Roma education. Thursday 15 May 2014, 4.30-9pm Jack Carter Pavilion, Oakfield Playing Fields, Barkingside, Ilford, Essex IG6 2JL  

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Launch of Gypsy, Roma and Traveller History Month

A performance celebrating the launch of Gypsy, Roma and Traveller History Month. Sunday 1 June 2014, 1-4pm Victoria & Albert Museum, Cromwell Road, London SW7 2RL Other performances over the month include: The Devouring, the Great Sadness – exhibition by the National Federation of Gypsy Liaison Groups Irish dance – St Josephs Catholic Primary School Poetry – by

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Workshops on tackling forced labour

A series of workshops in May 2014, tackling labour exploitation among refugees and asylum seekers in the UK. Manchester – Tuesday 15 May 2014, 10-3pm Leeds – Tuesday 20 May 2014, 10-3pm London – Friday 23 may 2014, 9.30-2.30pm Related links Precarious Lives

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Protest against the Spectator

A demonstration against the Spectator magazine’s use of racist language against Gypsies, Roma and Travellers. Wednesday 14th May 2014, 4.30-5.30pm The Spectator offices, 22 Old Queen Street, London SW1H 9HP Related links Download a flyer for the event here The Traveller Movement  

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