
Race & Class Radio: ‘Living the peace process in reverse’

The latest Race & Class radio is now available. The latest Race & Class radio broadcast features contributors to the April 2015 issue, Robbie McVeigh and Maryam Griffin. Robbie McVeigh discusses the criminal justice system’s response to racist violence in Northern Ireland by way of ‘empty models’ of ‘hate crime’ and ‘good relations’. People of colour

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‘Hell is a very small place’

Below we reproduce an interview with Jean Casella from the US-based Solitary Watch by Luk Vervaet, first published on his blog. Although solitary confinement is not used as frequently as in the US, the UK has four close supervision centres.[1] A recent Prisons & Probation Ombudsman report highlighted the high number of suicides of those prisoners held in

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Calendar of racism and resistance (22 May – 4 June 2015)

A fortnightly resource for anti-racist and social justice campaigns, highlighting key events in the UK and Europe. Policing and criminal justice 22 May: The European Court of Human Rights condemns France for a lack of remedy for degrading detention conditions in its overseas territory of New Caledonia. (Statewatch News Online, 22 May 2015)  24 May: The family

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Immigration: battening down the hatches

The second of a post-election three-part series on civil liberties in the UK observes how the Queen’s Speech immigration proposals contain more of the same old deterrence policies, creating more desperation, in the face of the biggest refugee crisis since World War II. According to an investigation by the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists, in just the

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Rally for solidarity with Filipino health workers

Hundreds of people gathered outside the Daily Mail’s London headquarters on Saturday 30 May to protest against its coverage of the Victorino Chua case, and in solidarity with Filipino healthcare workers. On 18 May, Victorino Chua, a nurse at Stepping Hill Hospital, Stockport, was found guilty of deliberately poisoning twenty-one patients, two of whom died. The

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Asylum Testimonies in Oxford

The Campaign to Close Campsfield hosts the Ice and Fire theatre company performing Asylum Testimonies, from interviews with asylum seekers. Friday 19 June 2015, 7.30pm. Asian Cultural Centre, far end of Manzil Way, off Cowley Road, Oxford OX4 1GH RELATED LINKS Ice and Fire Campaign to Close Campsfield      

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‘Go Home’: Mapping Immigration Controversy

A one day conference aimed at academics and activists, discussing the findings of the Mapping Immigration Controversy project. Wednesday 10 June 2015, 9.30am-6.30pm. The Social Sciences Building, University of Warwick, Coventry CV4 7AL Speakers include: Bridget Anderson – University of Oxford Rita Chadha -Refugee and Migrant Forum of Essex and London Suresh Grover -The Monitoring

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Stop Operation Shield

Community leafleting for ‘Knowing your Rights’ sessions to link and building across London’s housing estates to stop Operation Shield! Every Saturday from 6 June to 1 July 2015, 12-2pm Brixton Tube Station, Brixton Road, London SW9 8HE Related links Facebook event listing IRR News: Archaic Operation Shield? IRR News: Met introduces collective punishment measures IRR News: The

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Set her free

A protest at Yarl’s Wood to demand an end to the detention of women. Saturday 6 June 2015, 12.30-3pm Yarl’s Wood Immigration Removal Centre, Twinwoods Business Park, Thurleigh Road, Milton Ernest, Bedfordshire MK44 1FD Speakers include: Meltem Avcil Shami Chakrabarti Helena Kennedy Caroline Criado-Perez Natalie Bennett Zrinka Bralo Lips Choir Related links Facebook event listing

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