
The contours of global racism

The following is the closing speech delivered by Dr A Sivanandan at the conference, Crossing Borders: the legacy of the Commonwealth Immigrants Act 1962, organised by Runnymede, JCWI, UKREN, 1990 Trust, London European Research Centre and the London Metropolitan University on 15/16 November 2002. Racism never stands still. It changes shape, size, contours, purpose, function,

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Black Deaths in Custody

Deaths in police, prison and psychiatric custody since 1978. We list below those deaths of black and minority ethnic individuals which have taken place in prison, police or hospital custody and which have given rise to concern because of unexplained or mysterious circumstances surrounding those deaths and / or allegations of maltreatment, dereliction of duty

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The Criminal Justice System

People from ethnic minority backgrounds are effectively discriminated against three times over when it comes to crime and the whole criminal justice system. They are more likely than white people to be victims of crime; they are likely to receive much harsher penalties than their white counterparts; in terms of employment the legal establishment is

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Racial violence

Every day on the streets of the UK, in playgrounds, classrooms, shops, at work, minority ethnic people are racially harassed. This can take any form, from a racist remark to a physical attack. For some people, particularly those who move to a new area and are isolated from friends and family, persistent harassment can be

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Education and racism Education is seen by many minority ethnic families as the route out of deprivation and discrimination for their children. But, despite this high premium put on education, some groups seem to fare worse than others. When post-war immigrants first came here, there was clear evidence of discriminatory practices (such as the bussing

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Deaths with a (known or suspected) racial element 1991-1999

The IRR has, since 1991, been documenting murders with a suspected or known racial element.* This page lists murders from 1991-1999. Click here to read about murders from 2000 onwards with a suspected or known racial element. 1991, Bruce Bryan, 37, central London A father of two murdered in a street attack during which Bruce was

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Deaths with a (known or suspected) racial element 2000 – 2013

The IRR has, since 1991, been documenting murders with a suspected or known racial element.* This page lists murders from 2000 onwards. Click here to read about murders from 1991-1999 with a suspected or known racial element.   01/00, Zahid Mubarek, 19, Feltham, West London Zahid was the victim of a racist attack in his

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Application to strike out Abdi Dorre case adjourned

The trial of the two defendants accused of the manslaughter of Abdi Dorre has been delayed today at Leicester Crown Court. The two defendants had sought to present an application to dismiss both cases, though this has now been delayed until early December 2002 to allow more time for their lawyers to present written arguments.

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Anti-immigrant racism gets academic veneer

A new ‘thinktank’, MigrationWatch UK, has claimed that two million foreigners will be settling in Britain. It says much about the English newspaper industry that two men, with nothing more than a website and a set of alarmist figures about immigration to Britain, were able to set the news agenda for several days at the

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Tayman Bahmani – racially murdered

Yesterday a young Iranian asylum seeker was racially murdered on the streets of Sunderland. Tayman Bahmani, aged 28, was stabbed at about 3.30pm on Peel Street, Sunderland, and died a few hours later in a local hospital. As yet no one has been arrested for the incident. He had been in the United Kingdom for

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