
Plastic bullets: fuel for racial tensions?

Prompted by fears that during last summer’s riots, British police forces were preparing to use plastic bullets, activists from Tottenham joined members of parliament and a delegation from the North of Ireland at a recent Westminster press conference to denounce their deployment. Last month, the Metropolitan police confirmed that since the August 2011 riots its

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The Multicultural Politic

The Multicultural Politic hosts a debate on the reality of multiculturalism in Britain today. Tuesday 3 July 2012, 6.30-9pm Small Hall cinema, Richard Hoggart building (main building), Goldsmiths College, New Cross, London SE14 6NW Speakers include: Ken Fero – co-founder of Migrant Media and independent film maker (see INJUSTICE) Estelle du Boulay  – Newham Monitoring

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Plastic bullets cannot further ‘the cause of peace’

Below we reproduce the statement by Clara Reilly of the United Campaign Against Plastic Bullets from the North of Ireland who addressed a press conference on how the ‘use of plastic bullets will fuel racial tensions’. ‘In situations of conflict, security forces around the world have developed various methods of controlling and suppressing legitimate political

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Workshop for asylum seeking women

A free legal workshop for women seeking asylum in Wales. Saturday 14 July 2o12, 1-4pm Adamsdown Resource Centre, 10G Moira Terrace, Adamsdown, Cardiff CF24 0EJ Includes: The asylum process and decision making The end of Legacy cases (and any unresolved cases) Making fresh claims and relevant case law updates Question & answer session

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Reclaiming the riots

A seminar to discuss the legacy, representation and strategies of resistance  following the riots a year ago. Thursday 28 June 2012, 7-9pm. Caxton House Community Centre, 129 St. John’s Way Islington, London N19 3RQ Related links George Padmore Institute So We Stand

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Black ephemera study day

Examining the ways in which black people from the African and Caribbean diaspora have been represented in ephemera over the last two hundred years. Wednesday 4 July 2012, 10.30-7.30pm Nike Theatre, Agriculture Building, University of Reading, Whiteknights, Reading RG6 6AU Related links Download a booking form Download the programme

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The second annual Corin Redgrave memorial event

A panel discussion entitled: ‘An Audit of Human Rights’. Saturday 30 June 2012, 2-4.30pm Friends Meeting House, 173 Euston Road, London NW1 2BJ Speakers include: Massoud Shadjareh – Islamic Human Rights Commission Ashfaq Ahmad – Free Babar Ahmad campaign Frances Webber – a lawyer specialising in immigration and human rights Harmit Athwal – Institute of

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Bristol demo in support of asylum seekers

A march to stand up for the right to asylum and to call for justice, freedom and dignity for all. Saturday 30 June 2012, 11am Assemble at Stapleton Road Station, by Eastside Roots Garden Centre to march to Queen’s Square in the city centre Related links Asylum Seekers in Bristol Download a poster Download another

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Press Release

Four days in August

In the latest issue of Race & Class, the  lead article ‘Four days in August: the UK riots’ examines reports and inquiries conducted in the aftermath of last summer’s disturbances. Professor Lee Bridges comments on the failure of government to consider the deeper structural causes of the riots in August 2011. Instead it has chosen

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