
Culture of disbelief? Why race discrimination claims fail in the Employment Tribunal

As the European Court partially vindicates employees’ rights to manifest their religion at work, and with coalition measures set to make access to justice more difficult for all employees, employment lawyer, historian and activist David Renton discusses the added difficulties for those bringing race discrimination claims. On 15 January, the European Court upheld the claim

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The Met police and mental health

The Independent Commission on Mental Health and Policing is currently carrying out a consultation in the form of an online survey. The Commission was established in September 2012 by the Metropolitan police in response to the inquest verdict into the death of Sean Rigg in police custody.  Sean Rigg died on the floor of Brixton

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‘Integration, integration, integration’

Does Eric Pickles’ integration speech last week foretell an emphasis on a new patriotism? Communities secretary Eric Pickles gave his first speech on integration last week, at an event hosted by the think-tanks British Future and Policy Exchange. Arguing that language was the cornerstone of Conservative integration strategy, he vowed to tackle the ‘statist’ policies which,

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The rise of Britain’s far right

A new history of the far Right shines a light on the culpability of centre-ground politics for fascist gains. Britain’s far Right is in pieces. The British National Party (BNP) is electorally dead; the English Defence League (EDL) has been fractured by infighting, its figureheads taking cheap potshots at one another while its leader, Tommy

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Films explore risks to women

The Need to Know Campaign exposes global acts and practices that harm women. Animage Films produce animation films to raise awareness about harmful practices against women worldwide. With the collaboration and support of UK and international charities they have produced several film campaigns. The two most recent are Two Little Girls and A Dangerous Journey. 

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Through the generations

A new exhibition on the untold stories of Tamil migration includes interviews with the IRR’s A. Sivanandan. The exhibition is the culmination of a one-year project by Race On The Agenda (ROTA) and the Tamil Community Centre in Hounslow. The project: ‘Through the generations: untold stories of Tamil migration’ has collated the oral stories of

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Through the generations

An exhibition featuring the histories of Tamil migrants to the UK. Official opening: Saturday 19 January 2013, 1-5pm Wednesday 16 January – Friday 25 January 2013 Paul Robeson Theatre Café, 1st Floor, Treaty Centre, High Street, Hounslow TW3 1ES Related links Download a flyer (pdf file, 704kb) Race On The Agenda (ROTA) Parking and Access

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Press Release

The 1949 Causeway Green ‘riots’ reassessed

Kevin Searle’s ‘“Mixing of the unmixables”: the 1949 Causeway Green “riots” in Birmingham’  examines a hitherto unknown landmark in British race relations which throws into question standard accounts of postwar immigration. Most popular accounts begin with the arrival of Jamaican immigrants on the Empire Windrush, and place the 1958 disturbances in Notting Hill and Nottingham

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Citizens UK – for the people or the state?

Is a human rights charity working too closely with the UK Border Agency (UKBA)? A recent HM Inspector of Prisons report into the privately-run Sandford House short-term holding facility states that: ‘Reliance’s detainee welfare forum minutes suggested that some diversity training by Citizens UK’ is ‘being rolled out.’[1] Citizens UK, when asked about this, told

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More threats to legal rights of unwanted migrants

A number of coalition measures will have potentially disastrous consequences for migrants and asylum seekers. First, there is pressure to get foreign offenders to leave. When a Romanian shoplifter was banished from the UK for a year, as part of his community sentence, the High Court quashed the order in December 2012, saying that exclusion

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