Second Stop G4S convergence

The second convergence of the Stop G4S campaign. Saturday 6 April 2013, 11-6pm Room 3B, University of London Union (ULU), Malet Street, London WC1E 7HY Workshops include: Contract procurement Contract monitoring G4S’ partners Shareholders Related links Download a copy of the agenda Stop G4S Stop G4S on Twitter Stop G4S on Facebook

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Gove’s history curriculum condemned

Michael Gove’s reform of the national history curriculum has caused widespread concern. The Department for Education (DfE) is currently hosting a consultation on reforms to the national curriculum that will affect children from primary school-age to Key Stage 3. The consultation is aimed at school teachers, parents, young people, employers and local authorities among others,

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Calls to sign joint enterprise petition

Campaigners are calling for signatures on a new petition which calls on David Cameron to reform joint enterprise laws. A new petition by the campaigning group, Joint Enterprise Not Guilty by Association (JENGbA), calls on the prime minister to ‘Help get rid of the 300-year old law that is imprisoning our children’. According to the

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School exclusions show racial bias

A new report shows that black and minority ethnic children are far more likely to be permanently excluded from schools. The Office of the Children’s Commissioner has warned that schools are failing their Black and Gypsy, Roma and Traveller pupils, among others. The findings are published in a report, They Go The Extra Mile, which

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Double standards on International Women’s Day

Rights for women extend only as far as the immigration and asylum system allows. When the first International Women’s Day was marked, in 1911, well over a million people demonstrated, campaigning for the right to vote, to end discrimination, to work, to be trained and to hold public office. Since then, its existence has steadily been popularised, to

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Miliband, migration and the market

IRR News continues its discussion with A. Sivanandan about Miliband’s policies. Have you changed your view in any way given Miliband’s party political broadcast and Yvette Cooper’s speech on 7 March? You seemed in December to have some hopes that Labour under Miliband might be somewhat more progressive. (Read the interview here: ‘Miliband’s progress?‘) No

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Meet Eslanda

A meeting to launch the definitive biography of Mrs Paul Robeson written by a leading black American feminist. Barbara Ransby is pretty special. For she is an African-American who is also a feminist, also a historian, also on the Left and, most unusually, an academic who remains an activist. Part of her life’s work is

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Launch of a new book on Eslanda Robeson

A meeting to launch the biography of Mrs Paul Robeson written by a leading black American feminist. Tuesday 16 April 2013, 6.30pm Firebox, 106-8 Cromer Street, London WC1H 8BZ Speakers: Barbara Ransby – Scholar-activist, historian and professor of African- American and Gender and Women Studies at the University of Illinois (Chicago), Race & Class editorial

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The new wasteland

It is poverty not migration that is changing the nature of Britain’s towns and cities. If you want to feel and smell austerity, go to Hatfield – in leafy Hertfordshire, with the rolling hills that EM Forster loved. It provides a microcosm of the changing social geography of Britain today.[1] Hatfield was, until the 1990s,

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When I thought all hope was lost, then came JENGbA

Below we reproduce a blog by an African-Caribbean mother who recounts the family nightmare of navigating the criminal justice system which was only relieved when she made contact with the campaigning organisation Joint Enterprise – Not Guilty by Association (JENGbA). The day was Thursday 13 December 2012. It was cold and windy. I had just

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