Making freedom

An exhibition marking the 175th anniversary of emancipation in the Caribbean. Wednesday 6 November 2013 – Saturday 21 December 2013 Royal Geographical Society, 1 Kensington Gore, London SW7 2AR RELATED LINKS More details here

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No going back for the Roma

A review of the Migrant Roma in the UK research report. The title, Migrant Roma in the UK: population size and experiences of local authorities and partners, may make this report by three University of Salford academics sound dry, but this is both a necessary report and a prescient political intervention.  In 2011, the EU

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Keeping watch on Robeson

A gripping book on Paul Robeson not only shows up the greatness of the man but underscores the dangers of state surveillance – a lesson to heed today. When I lived in Brixton, South London in the early 1970s, I used to drink in an Acre Lane pub named after an imperial admiral, the favourite

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Fifteenth annual UFFC remembrance procession

The United Families and Friends Campaign (UFFC) marched on Downing Street last weekend, as it has done for the last fifteen years, to mark the deaths of loved ones in the custody of the state. The annual remembrance procession was led by the families of those including Ricky Bishop, Mark Duggan, Demetre Fraser, Joy Gardner,

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Jessica Huntley

 It is with sadness that we report the death of Jessica Huntley, who played such a unique role in black publishing in Britain. Long before it was on trend and Black History Month become a convention, she, with  her husband Eric, pioneered the publishing and selling of books on black international strugglers. In 1969 they

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Deprivation of citizenship: judges restrain the minister

In a significant ruling last week, the Supreme Court rejected the home secretary’s attempt to revoke the citizenship of a released terrorism suspect, exposing as it did so hypocrisy, illogicality and illegality in the minister’s stance. ‘Possession of nationality is essential for full participation in society and a prerequisite for the enjoyment of the full

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No more deaths in custody

The annual United Families and Friends Campaign  (UFFC) march to remember those that have died in custody. Saturday 26 October 2013 Assemble at 12.30pm at Trafalgar Square, London to march to Downing Street Related links View a flyer UFFC Facebook event listing

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Resisting racist immigration controls

A NCADC, No Borders Leeds and Leeds Unity day of workshops on campaigning for the right to remain. Saturday 26 October 2013, 11-5pm Wharf Chambers, 23-25 Wharf Street, Leeds LS2 7EQ There will be a children’s space and simple lunch provided. Free/donations welcome. Related links NCADC No Borders Leeds Leeds Unity View the Facebook events

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