Claudia Jones memorial lecture

The National Union of Journalists’ annual Claudia Jones lecture: ‘Take me to your leader: the crisis in leadership in  BAME Britain’. Thursday 16 October 2014, 6.30pm Thomson Reuters, 30 South Colonnade, Canary Wharf, London E14 5 Speaker: Patrick Younge – broadcaster/journalist Related links Book a ticket here NUJ

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Calendar of Racism and Resistance (5 – 18 September 2014)

A resource for anti-racist and social justice campaigns, highlighting key news stories in the UK and Europe over the past fortnight. Asylum seekers & refugees 5 September: Migrants and activists rally in Calais for human rights and an end to police violence, as Sauvons Calais announce they will rally on 7 September to ‘say no to

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When class becomes a commodity

A new Open Society Foundations research project on Europe’s white working class provides a welcome corrective to those who champion the class as a victim of immigration while colluding in the abandonment of working-class areas. In his classic text examining production processes Labor and Monopoly Capital, published in 1974, Harry Braverman showed how ‘poverty and

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Enforced poverty amongst asylum seekers and refugees

Nicky Road reviews a publication on refugees and asylum seekers in the UK. A new Institute for Research into Superdiversity (IRiS) Working Paper has been published which analyses the link between poverty and refugees and asylum seekers in the UK from the 1980s to the present. Focusing on three main groups: asylum seekers; refugees; and

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Edge Fund calling for new applications

The Edge Fund, a group working for justice and equality, is calling for new applications to its fund.  The Edge Fund is inviting new applications from individuals and grassroots groups, in order to support projects which are relevant to communities campaigning on discrimination and injustice. Grants will be given to groups and individuals working for

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Hatred, hysteria and a Trojan Horse

A leading educationalist argues that the report by Peter Clarke into the ‘Trojan Horse’ affair, embraced by the new education secretary, is in fact a grave disservice. On Tuesday 22 July 2014 the new Secretary of State for Education in the UK, Nicky Morgan, made a statement in the House of Commons about the Trojan

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Young Rebels – The Story of Southall Youth Movement

The launch of a new film on the Southall Youth Movement. Friday 18 July 2014, 6.30-8.30pm Monsoon Banqueting Suites, 100 The Green, Southall UB2 4BG Young Rebels – The Story of Southall Youth Movement charts the experiences and responses of Asian young people growing up in Southall in the 1960s and 1970s and the racial

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Race & Class Radio: murals in Palestine; US Homeland Security

The latest broadcast of Race & Class Radio is now available to download. In the current broadcast of Race & Class Radio, Avery Gordon and Elizabeth Robinson are joined by guests Bill Rolston, discussing the mural paintings of Gaza, and Sabrina Alimahomed on the revolving door between public order and private profit in the US. Bill

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Women resisting the ‘security’ state

A Freedom Without Fear meeting to bring together people engaged in state-critical activities and campaigns. Thursday 3 July 2014, 6.30-8.30pm Room 417, Birkbeck (Main building), University of London, Malet Street, London WC1E 7HX Speakers include: Kamila Sheikh Lesbian Immigration Support Group Sarah Lamble Related links Facebook event listing Download a flyer here (pdf file, 100kb)

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Freedom to buy – of course! Freedom to move? Not if you’re poor

Andy Shallice reports on the impact of new meaures to restrict the rights of EU migrants, particularly the Roma. ‘In this world, shipmates, Sin that pays its way can travel freely, and without passport; whereas Virtue, if a pauper, is stopped at all frontiers…’(Herman Melville, 1851 via Matthew Carr, 2012) Since April, no new housing

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