
Counter-terrorism policing in Woolwich

Is racial profiling being carried out by counter-terrorism police in South London following the death of Lee Rigby? On 1 June 2013, a group of friends driving through Woolwich in the early evening were intercepted by police officers apparently from the Met’s Counter Terrorism command, SO15. According to youth worker Husani Williams, who was driving

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Long Walk: Family Campaigns for Justice in the UK

On Friday evening, family campaigns will gather in London to mark the seventh anniversary of Talha Ahsan’s detention without trial. The event curated by Hamja Ahsan, brother of Talha will be held at London’s Rich Mix in Bethnal Green (19 July 2013, from 6.30pm). The event entitled, ‘Long Walk: Family Campaigns for Justice in the

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Long walk: 7 years of detention

An event marking the seventh anniversary of the detention of Talha Ahsan without trial bringing together national justice campaigns. Friday 19 July 2013, 6.30-9pm Rich Mix, 35-47 Bethnal Green Road, London E1 6LA Speakers include: Janet Alder – Sister of Christopher Alder Sheila Coleman – Hillsborough Families 96 Campaign Avaes Mohammed – Poet and playwright

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Deportation on suspicion

The high-profile deportation of a suspected, but unconvicted, serial rapist opens the door to the risk of serious injustice. It was a shrewd move on the part of the Metropolitan police and Home Office to use the case of Lincoln Farquharson, a man charged with rape on five separate occasions between 2006 and 2011, tried

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Spotlight on racial violence: May – June 2013

An overview of racial violence and convictions over the last few months. In the aftermath of the murder of soldier Lee Rigby in May, the harassment of Muslims continues.  Several mosques and Islamic cultural centres have been targeted in attacks, some of which have been attributed to the far Right, and in the most high-profile

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G4S confronted

Last week, campaigners from numerous organisations brought their grievances about the human rights abuses of G4S directly to their annual general meeting. A lively protest took place outside Salter’s Hall in the city. As shareholders arrived, they were met with a mock barricade and prison cell and over seventy activists shouting anti-G4S slogans. Inside the

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Germany, the far Right and the NSU trial

Attacks in Germany linked to the NSU trial demonstrate that the far Right does not need a stimulus for violence. Following the brutal murder of Drummer Lee Rigby in Woolwich and attacks on several mosques, the government-funded Tell MAMA project warned of the dangers of cumulative extremism, tit-for-tat violence between Islamists and counter-jihadists and a

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G8: week of action

A week of action and events across the UK. Saturday 8 June – Saturday 15 June 2013 Locations across London Related links StopG8 Network StopG8 Network on Facebook StopG8 Network on Twitter Calendar of events

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Travelling while Muslim

Representatives from Cageprisoners, Engage, CAMPACC and Stopwatch will share their stories of being stopped under the draconian Schedule 7 powers. Wednesday 5 June 2013, 7-9pm St Bride Foundation, Fleet Street, London EC4Y Schedule 7 is a stop-and-search law under the Terrorism Act of 2000. Over 70,000 people are stopped every year entering or exiting any

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