
Sharia Watch UK and the metamorphosis of Anne Marie Waters

In the first of an occasional series from Spinwatch, Hilary Aked examines Sharia Watch and its founder Anne Marie Waters.  Spinwatch, which investigates and campaigns on PR, propaganda and lobbying in politics, is currently investigating the counterjihad movement. If we want to empower and inform the anti-racist movement to build a stronger counter-narrative challenging the increasingly

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Calendar of racism and resistance (24 December 2014 – 15 January 2015)

A fortnightly resource for anti-racist and social justice campaigns, highlighting key events in the UK and Europe. Policing and criminal justice 23 December: 34-year-old Adrian McDonald dies in Staffordshire after being tasered by police in the early hours of 22 December. (Huddersfield Daily Examiner, 23 December 2014) 30 December: A Freedom of Information request reveals that

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Farewell Magna Carta: the Counter-Terrorism and Security Bill

The Bill currently going through Parliament, with virtually no opposition, impinges on basic freedoms and seems calculated to entrench the treatment of British Muslims as non-citizens. The Bill is being rushed through parliament with no pre-legislative scrutiny or public consultation on most of its provisions – a speed justified by the increased terror threat posed

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Press Release

Crime and Punishment

The January 2015 issue of Race & Class explores poverty, ‘race’ and criminal justice. Eddie Bruce-Jones, in ‘German policing at the intersection: race, gender, migrant status and mental health’, shows how a cultural defence, of ‘legitimate’ fear of the violence and unpredictability of the ‘other’, is used to justify the recent controversial shooting dead of black

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On liberty

The 2015 Corin Redgrave memorial lecture. Saturday 31 January 2015, 2.30pm Conway Hall, Red Lion Square, London WC1R 4RL Speaker: Shami Chakrabarti – Liberty Related links Download a flyer (word doc, 82kb) Peace & Progress

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Brent says #BlackLivesMatter

A screening of Migrant Media’s Burn, detailing the shooting of Mark Duggan and the events which led up to the unrest of August 2011.  Friday 30 January 2015, 7pm (film starts 7.15pm sharp) South Kilburn Studios, 2A Canterbury Road, London NW6 5SW Followed by a panel discussion, spoken word entertainment and DJs: Ken Fero – (Migrant Media

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Where monoculturalism leads

As France grieves for those whose lives have been so brutally taken, and more emergency and counter-radicalisation measures are discussed, the future for a peaceful Europe rests on how our leaders diagnose the problems that we collectively face. It may seem counter-intuitive, but far from suffering from an excess of multiculturalism, European thought and culture

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Press Release

Hidden despair: The deaths of foreign national prisoners

A new IRR briefing paper examines the deaths of foreign national prisoners in the UK. Hidden despair: The deaths of foreign national prisoners, by IRR vice-chair Frances Webber, examines recent suicides of foreign national prisoners in the UK, showing how the prison regime exacerbates the risk of self-harm and suicide through despair. A full report

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Calendar of racism and resistance (12 – 23 December 2014)

A fortnightly resource for anti-racist and social justice campaigns, highlighting key events in the UK and Europe. Extreme-right politics 12 December: Four English Defence League (EDL) supporters are jailed for a total of over six years after violence during an EDL demonstration in Birmingham city centre in July 2013, described by the judge as ‘plainly

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Race & Class radio: new perspectives on Kashmir

The latest Race & Class radio broadcast is now available to download. This month, Race & Class Radio is joined by Shubh Mathur, Gowhar Geelani and Noor Ahmad Baba, contributors to our recent special issue on Kashmir. The broadcast attempts to place the Kashmiri experience centre stage, rather than the competing narratives of Indian and Pakistani territorial and nationalist ambitions.

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