
Calendar of racism and resistance (26 February – 10 March 2016)

A fortnightly resource for anti-racist and social justice campaigns, highlighting key events in the UK and Europe. Asylum 25 February: Home Office statistics reveal that the number of unaccompanied asylum seeking children has increased by over 50 per cent in the last year, with 3,043 children seeking asylum in 2015, compared with 1,945 in 2014.

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Sites of Confinement: Confines, Control and Resistance at the Border

A day conference focused on the sites of confinement regarding migration, race, racism and physical, social and spatial bordering control. Thursday 17 March 2016, 9-6pm Campus Luigi Einaudi, University of Turin, Lungo Dora Siena 100/A-10154, Turin, Italy Speakers include: Antigone Association Monish Bhatia Victoria Canning Valeria Ferraris Evgenia Iliadou Simone Santorso Alvise Sbraccia No Borders

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Calendar of racism and resistance (12 – 25 February 2016)

A fortnightly resource for anti-racist and social justice campaigns, highlighting key events in the UK and Europe. Asylum and migration 8 February: Protests occur across Greece against the construction of registration and screening centres, or hotspots, for migrants. In Kos, after three days of protests, residents blockade an army camp earmarked for conversion into a migrant

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Our London

A panel co-hosted by Novara Media, Verso and Compass that focuses on living in London and some of the intersecting oppressions that increasingly define it.  Wednesday 23 March 2016, 8.30pm The Auditorium at Foyles, Level 6, 107 Charing Cross Road, London WC2H 0DT Speakers include: Aaron Bastani – Novara Media Liz Fekete – Director of

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UN Anti-Racism Day Demonstration

A march to mark UN Anti-Racism Day. Saturday 19 March 2016 London: assemble at Portland Place,London at 12noon. Glasgow: assemble at George Square, Glasgow at 11am. Wales: assemble at Clare Gardens, Cardiff at 11am. Related links Stand Up To Racism

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Gangsters & Terrorists?

A community event looking into the criminalisation of Black and Asian communities. Wednesday 16 March 2016, 6-7.45pm The Phil Martin Centre, 139 Princess Road, Manchester M14 4RE Speakers include: Rizwaan Sabir Waqas Tufail Katy Sian Patrick Williams Related links Facebook event listing View a flyer here

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Fruitvale film club

A showing of ‘Whose Mind is it Anyway?’ A documentary made for British television in the 1990s which recounts the various stages of the arrest, sectioning and enforced psychiatric treatment of a Black British man. Sunday 28 February 2016, 3pm The Field, 385 New Cross Road, London SE14 5HD Related links Facebook event listing London

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Calendar of racism and resistance (15 – 28 January 2016)

A fortnightly resource for anti-racist and social justice campaigns, highlighting key events in the UK and Europe. Asylum & migration 13 January: Refugees including children are walking through Russia to Finland in temperatures of minus 30 degrees, according to reports. (Independent Barents Observer, 13 January 2016) 14 January: The Solicitors Regulation Authority announces a review

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