
‘We are more’

An appeal from German anti-fascists, received via Apaziz ‘We are more’ – and we need your help to prevent more racist mobilizations and violence and Chemnitz and elsewhere in Saxony. Chemnitz and Saxony is not only home to the largest militant and organised neo-Nazi and racist movement in Germany, it is also home to an

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Calendar of racism and resistance (16-29 August)

A fortnightly resource for anti-racist and social justice campaigns, highlighting key events in the UK and Europe. Asylum and migration  August: Frontex publishes its risk assessment of the west Balkans route taken by refugees, download Western Balkans annual risk assessment 2018 here.  15 August: London mayor Sadiq Khan and the victims’ commissioner call on the

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Deport, Deprive, Extradite Night

A night of panel discussions, short films, dramatic monologues, poetry, and probing questions exploring the racial state under the War on Terror. Speakers include:  Nisha Kapoor Liz Fekete Ken Ferro Suhaiymah Manzooh-Khan Hamja Ahsan Saturday 8 September 2018 RichMix, 35-47 Bethnal Green Road, London E1 6LA Related Links Tickets for event Show map

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Black and Banned

BFI launches Black and Banned season. Showing a wide range of film, TV documentary and drama that deserve screening in their own right, as well as for the questions they provoke about yesterday and today. The films you weren’t allowed to see: drama and documentaries that offer unique and challenging perspectives. Tuesday 4 September – Wednesday

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Calendar of racism and resistance (20 July – 15 August 2018)

A fortnightly resource for anti-racist and social justice campaigns, highlighting key events in the UK and Europe. Asylum and migration  18 July: Liverpool City Council passes a cross-party motion calling on the government to end the indefinite detention of asylum seekers, saying the system is ‘inhumane’ and ‘not fit for purpose’. (These Walls Must Fall,

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Data protection: suppressing official wrongdoing

The government intends to make future ‘Windrush’ scandals impossible to uncover with the sweeping immigration exemption from new data protection obligations. Can campaigners and lawyers prevent the cover-ups? We are all data subjects now. The new data protection legislation which entered into force on 25 May gives us all rights – to see what data

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Daily Mail – ‘you’re in a league of your own’

A French Muslim activist gives the Daily Mail a lesson on how to avoid racial and religious stereotyping. French activist Marwan Muhammad was so incensed by a Daily Mail article that linked ‘immigration on a mammoth scale’ to drug dealing, crime and poverty in the French neighbourhood of Saint-Denis, in northern Paris, that he sent a

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Calendar of racism and resistance (6 – 19 July 2018)

A fortnightly resource for anti-racist and social justice campaigns, highlighting key events in the UK and Europe. Asylum and migration July: Sentina D’Artanyan-Bristol, the mother of Dexter Bristol, ‘a child of the Windrush generation, who died this March, following a year of being rejected as a British citizen’ is raising funds to cover the legal

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Islamophobia in Denmark: from parallel societies to the ‘ghetto list’

Anti-Muslim discrimination is now central to Danish immigration and integration policies.  It is ludicrous, not to mention unscientific to suggest that there are ghettos in Denmark, but fear of ridicule does not stop the Danish Ministry of Transport, Building and Housing producing a ‘ghetto list’ (ghettolisten). First published in 2010, and updated each year, the

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