
Converging against G4S

Stop G4S campaigners will hold a second convergence in London to coordinate activities against the multinational. Human rights campaigners and activists working as a coalition have organised a second day of workshops and discussion ‘dedicated to developing the campaign against G4S and preventing them from putting profit before people.’ Workshops will be held on subjects

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Immigration detention: more evidence of contempt for the mentally ill

Another case of unlawful detention demonstrates that UKBA officials intent on detention and removal sometimes don’t even read psychiatric reports suggesting detention might be damaging. Previous cases involved foreign national offenders (FNOs),[1] whose detention was an important political priority for UKBA. But the hard line on detention appears to have spread to refused asylum seekers.

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Fractured childhoods

The launch of a report on the separation of migrant families. Wednesday 17 April 2013, 6-8pm Grand Committee , House of Commons, London SW1A OAA Speakers: Maggie Atkinson – children’s commissioner for England Lisa Mandy –  shadow children’s minister A mother who was separated from her child by immigration detention Sarah Campbell – author of

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Press Release

Cuts, crime and racialisation

In the April 2013 issue of Race & Class leading UK thinkers, in a special section on Cuts, crime and racialisation, examine how neoliberalism, at a time of austerity, changes the very nature of racism and criminal justice. The young unemployed, often excluded from every institution and avenue, are unwanted. The dragnet of Joint Enterprise,

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Second Stop G4S convergence

The second convergence of the Stop G4S campaign. Saturday 6 April 2013, 11-6pm Room 3B, University of London Union (ULU), Malet Street, London WC1E 7HY Workshops include: Contract procurement Contract monitoring G4S’ partners Shareholders Related links Download a copy of the agenda Stop G4S Stop G4S on Twitter Stop G4S on Facebook

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Justice in immigration bail hearings

Launch of the second report of the Bail Observation Project. Tuesday 9 April 2013, 7.30pm Queen Elizabeth House, 3 Mansfield Road, Oxford OX1 3TB Speakers: Bridget Anderson – Chair Gill Baden Bridget Walker Toomaj Karimi-Ayoubloo Melanie Griffiths Bill Mackeith Related links COMPAS Campaign to Close Campsfield

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Anti-raids network benefit party

An evening of food, music and information to raise money for the London Anti Raids Network. Saturday 6 April 2013, 8pm Elephant & Castle. London Related links London Anti Raids Network Download a flyer here

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Double standards on International Women’s Day

Rights for women extend only as far as the immigration and asylum system allows. When the first International Women’s Day was marked, in 1911, well over a million people demonstrated, campaigning for the right to vote, to end discrimination, to work, to be trained and to hold public office. Since then, its existence has steadily been popularised, to

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Miliband, migration and the market

IRR News continues its discussion with A. Sivanandan about Miliband’s policies. Have you changed your view in any way given Miliband’s party political broadcast and Yvette Cooper’s speech on 7 March? You seemed in December to have some hopes that Labour under Miliband might be somewhat more progressive. (Read the interview here: ‘Miliband’s progress?‘) No

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Children in the asylum system

A lecture on the cruelty experienced by children in the asylum system. Thursday 21 March 2013, 7pm Kaplan Law School, Palace House, 3 Cathedral Street, London SE1 9DE Speaker: Frances Webber – Institute of Race Relations Related links Download a flyer here

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