
Jimmy Mubenga: a day in the life of an inquest

IRR News provides a snapshot report from the second day of the inquest in to the death of Jimmy Mubenga[1] which is due to last eight weeks. The day of the inquest started with legal issues and the choosing of the jury. This took some time as potential jurors were read a long list of

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Justice will help Jimmy rest in peace

Below we reproduce the statement given by the wife of Jimmy Mubenga to the inquest into his death. ‘My name is Adrienne Kambana. I am the widow of Jimmy Mubenga and the mother of our five children. [Rolan (19), Kevin (15), Akram (13), Jordan (11) and Blessing (3)]. Jimmy Mubenga was a good father. He

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The fear that stalks asylum seekers from the Russian Federation

EU countries are accused of leaving asylum seekers from the Russian Federation vulnerable to the repressive reach of the Russian state. In the early hours of 17 January 2013, 36-year-old Aleksandr Dolmatov, a Russian engineer, was found dead at a Rotterdam deportation centre. Dolmatov, an activist linked to the opposition Other Russia movement, fled Russia

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The medical professional’s role in protecting torture victims

A meeting to discuss the situation in Sri Lanka and the UK. Wednesday 22 May 2012, 17.30-7pm Committee Room 4A, House of Lords, London  SW1A 0PW Speakers: Lord Avebury – Chair Anthony Good – Emeritus Professor of Social Anthropology, University of Edinburgh Yolanda Foster  – South Asia desk and Sri Lanka expert, Amnesty International Dr

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Who are the new arrivals?

A workshop organised by SYMAAG, Migrants’ Rights Network and the Migration Observatory. Wednesday 15 May 2013, 1-5pm Quaker Meeting House, 10 St James Street, Sheffield S1 2EW Related links SYMAAG Migrants’ Rights Network Migration Observatory  

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The South Yorkshire Migration and Asylum Action Group (SYMAAG) AGM. Tuesday 14 May 2013, 7pm Quaker Meeting House, 10 St James Street, Sheffield S1 2EW Includes: A panel discussion with four asylum seekers Related links SYMAAG

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NCADC training

A training session with the National Coalition of Anti-Deportation Campaigns (NCADC). Saturday 11 May 2013, 10-3pm The Hub, Turl Street, Oxford OX1 3DH

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Press Release

Europe’s pariah state? the future of human rights in Britain

This week, we publish a briefing paper on the future of human rights in Britain, written by the IRR’s vice-chair, Frances Webber. With nativism, racism and fascism on the rise throughout Europe, informing government policies towards migrants and other unpopular minorities as well as popular right-wing, anti-immigrant, anti-Muslim and anti-Roma movements, the European system of

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Deaths in immigration detention on the increase?

This year, two men have died following their detention in immigration removal centres near Heathrow, and another two people have died in hospital shortly after release from detention in 2012 and 2011. Two deaths of asylum seekers in the first three months of this year is a worrying development. In February 2013, 84-year-old Alois Dvorzac,

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