Stop G4S convergence

A UK-wide convergence to bring together various Stop G4S campaigns. Saturday 8 February 2014, 11-5pm Quaker Meeting House, 10 St James Street, Sheffield S1 2EW Related links Stop G4S

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Press Release

Investigated or ignored?

Today, the Institute of Race Relations publishes a report that shows serious deficiencies in the criminal justice system’s response to race-related killings. Since the publication of the Macpherson report in 1999, into the racist murder of Stephen Lawrence, at least ninety-three people have lost their lives as a result of racially motivated attacks (or attacks

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Stand up to racism and fascism: day of action

We reproduce here a statement initiated by Unite Against Fascism, as well as information about a pan-European day of action coinciding with UN Anti-Racism Day. Already in most European countries parties of the Right, centre and even the traditional Left are allowing the terrain of these elections to be dominated by racism, xenophobia, anti-Semitism and

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The Immigration Bill and its impact on children

A briefing session on the immigration bill and how it will affect children, covering restrictions on access to healthcare and housing and the narrowing of appeal rights.   Tuesday 28 January 2014, 4.30pm Committee Room 3, House of Lords, London SW1A 0PW Panel members: Lucy Jones – Doctors of the World Ronan Toal – Garden

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Refugee Boy

A production about arriving, belonging and finding home. Tuesday-Thursday, 11-13 February 2014 Southbank Centre, Belvedere Road, London SE1 8XX RELATED LINKS Book tickets here Southbank Centre

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Captive Audience

A film on anti-Roma racism in the Czech Republic. A short (just under five minutes) but hard-hitting video which was made by Barbora Cernusakova and Phillip Lowman for Europe Roma International (ERI) to show at a parliamentary meeting on 28 October 2013 can now be viewed online. Captive Audience includes disturbing footage from a summer

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Mapping the war on the poor

A graphic portrayal of the causes, the mechanics and the deadly effects of European migration policies makes the 2013 Atlas of Migration in Europe[1] an indispensable resource. A picture is worth a thousand words. The truth of the aphorism, as applied to maps, is dramatically borne out by the Atlas, which is structured around four

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The Corin Redgrave memorial lecture 2014

A lecture on the rule of law and fundamental human rights. Saturday 25 January 2014, 2pm Friends’ Meeting House, Euston Road, London NW1 2BJ Speaker: Phillipe Sands QC – expert in international law RELATED LINKS Peace and Progress

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WSSAG Wales legal rights workshop

A legal rights workshop for professionals and asylum-seeking women. Thursday 9 January 2014, 10.30am-2.30pm 3 North Church Street, Butetown, Cardiff CF10 5HB Hosted in conjunction with Rights of Women RELATED LINKS WSSAG Wales Rights of Women Download a flyer for the event

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