South Yorkshire Migration and Asylum Action Group (SYMAAG) host their AGM and mark ten years of campaigning for asylum rights. Tuesday 9 May 2017, 6.30pm Quaker Meeting House, St James Street, Sheffield S1 2EW Keynote speaker: Roger McKenzie -National Assistant General Secretary, UNISON and Black Lives Matter activist Related links Further details found here

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Calendar of racism and resistance (7 – 20 April 2017)

A fortnightly resource for anti-racist and social justice campaigns, highlighting key events in the UK and Europe. Asylum and migration 6 April: A new immigration skills charge comes into force, requiring employers to pay a £1,000 annual levy for hiring certain skilled workers from outside the European Economic Area. It is feared the charge could

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Brexit and the right to work in the UK

An immigration specialist, looking at the future for EU citizens seeking to work in the UK, argues that migration, whether from Europe or elsewhere, has always been controlled in the interests of the economy. As the UK prepares for Brexit, EU nationals await announcements about the restrictions which will be imposed on their right to

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Press Release

Narratives that marginalise: from Ferguson to Palestine

The April 2017 Race & Class tackles two key current themes: the impact of Fox News  in (mis)representing news and creating racist discourses, and the  way in which Canadian  ‘neoliberal multiculturalism’ is marginalising  Arabs, Muslims and those in solidarity with Palestine. Colleen Mills, researcher into racism and hate crime at John Jay College of Criminal

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Calendar of racism and resistance (24 March – 6 April 2017)

A fortnightly resource for anti-racist and social justice campaigns, highlighting key events in the UK and Europe. Asylum & migration March: The European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CPT) publishes a factsheet on immigration detention, download it here (pdf file, 95kb). 11 March: Campaigners protest outside Morton

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Housing, Employment & Migrants’ Rights in an Age of Austerity

Migrants’ Rights Network hold a panel to discuss housing, employment and migrants’ rights in an age of austerity. Wednesday 19 April 2017, 6:30 – 8pm Senate Alumni Lecture Theatre, SOAS, Senate House Building, London WC1E 7HU The panel will explore the potential issues that Britain leaving the EU has for European citizens currently living here, as

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Love is not a crime launch night

The Lesbian Immigration Support Group (LISG) launch their exhibition Love Is Not a Crime and celebrate their 10th anniversary. Thursday 13th April, 6-8pm People’s History Museum, Left Bank, Manchester M3 3ER Love Is Not a Crime runs from Friday 14 April 2017 to Sunday 25 June 2017 Related Links Eventbrite page

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Stop feeding the beast! A review of ‘My Country: A work in progress’

A play built around seventy long interviews with ‘leavers’ and ‘remainers’ about their feelings after the Brexit vote, inadvertently, provides insights into the immigration debate. The liberal consensus on immigration has broken down. That’s what Brexit has taught us, or at least that’s what the establishment tells us that Brexit has taught us. The Conservative

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How the Right framed the Westminster attacks

The Westminster attacks provided the occasion for anti-immigration, anti-refugee politicians the world over to vindicate their positions in the public narrative. It was not just Britain First and the English Defence League which tried to make political capital out of the deadly attacks in Westminster on 22 March. UK-based politicians and international figures were not

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Grievance as identity

David Goodhart’s new book calls for an understanding of  ‘majority grievances’ , which, he argues, represent ‘decent populism’ not racism. Remember the story about the blind men and the elephant? Each one feels the thing in front of him and finds something different: one man felt the ears: ‘this is a fan’; one felt the

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