
A matter of fear or death

David Blunkett has blamed campaigners for encouraging an Iraqi asylum seeker to sew up his lips. Naseh Ghafor is a 20-year-old Iraqi man who has been on hunger strike since 8 July. Naseh, who has sewn up his lips, is seriously ill but is refusing treatment because, according to a member of the Sheffield Committee

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‘Deadly detention’ protests

Over the weekend, 31 July/ 1August, campaigners held demonstrations against ‘deadly detention’ outside detention centres and prisons across UK. These were organised after two asylum seekers were found hanged, one in Harmondsworth and another in Dungavel. As a result, protests were held on Saturday at Campsfield and Dover removal centres and outside Liverpool Prison. The

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The human cost of immigration detention

Concern is mounting that the issues behind the recent disturbance at Harmondsworth detention centre – the apparent failure of the private firms which run detention centres to provide full care to detainees and the emerging evidence of assaults by officers – will be ignored as prosecutions of at least seventeen detainees proceed. On 19 July

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Report on Somali community welcomed

Somalis have lived in the UK since the 19th century, and over the last 20 years, tens of thousands have fled to the UK as refugees. Yet the community remains relatively ignored by mainstream services, unrepresented in any national debates and many of its members are marginalised. A recent report written by Hermione Harris, The

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Film calls for action on asylum evictions in Glasgow

Welcome, a 20-minute film by the Camcorder Guerillas collective, tells the story of three asylum seekers who have faced eviction in Glasgow. ‘My life is frozen’, says Jabulani Moyo, a teacher and member of the opposition movement in Zimbabwe. His claim for asylum was rejected because the adjudicator did not believe that he was really

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Campaign frees Banire from detention

Banire Sy Savane, a 21-year-old asylum seeker from Sierra Leone, whose case IRR News highlighted last week, has been released from Dover Immigration Removal Centre. Banire won a last-minute reprieve from his planned deportation, after a campaign by the Swansea Bay Asylum Seekers Support Group. The group collected dozens of letters of support and drew

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Where is my family?

A Sudanese asylum seeker, 39-year-old Tariq Abdulrahman Mohammed, who is currently detained in Bijlmerbajes deportation prison in Amsterdam, is desperate to find his wife and children, whom he last saw when he was in the UK – before he was deported back to the Netherlands. Tariq and his family had lived in the Netherlands for

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Work regime for asylum seekers in legal limbo

David Blunkett has tabled a last-minute package of amendments to the Asylum and Immigration Bill currently passing through parliament, including a measure forcing unpaid community work onto rejected asylum seekers who cannot be deported. At present there are thousands of asylum seekers left in a legal limbo because their claim for asylum has been rejected

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