Austerity, injustice & the power of protest

A Defend the Right to Protest conference on austerity, injustice and protest. Sunday 14 October 2012, 11.30-5.20 University of London Union, Malet Street, London WC1E 7HY Speakers include: Alfie Meadows Matt Foot – Campaigning Lawyer Nina Power Tony Benn Janet Alder Estelle Du Boulay – Newham Monitoring Project Justice for Bolton Hannah Dee – DtRtP

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Soldier jailed for ‘senseless’ racist attack

A family have thanked Sussex police for tracking down a soldier who nearly killed their teenage son in a vicious unprovoked racist attack. One drunken punch was all it took to put 15-year-old Mohammed ‘Mo’ Bourner in a coma: a punch of such sheer ferocity that his head smashed first into a car bonnet and

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Clearing Roma off the streets

The run-up to the Olympics has seen the Metropolitan Police and the London Evening Standard reinvigorate efforts to disperse homeless Roma from central London’s streets. On 17 July 2012, the Metropolitan Police Service announced a three-month pilot project to strengthen existing relationships with the Romanian police. This is the latest development in a drive to

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Press Release

The new geographies of racism: Peterborough

Research published today by the Institute of Race Relations shows that recently arrived migrant workers are vulnerable to exploitation and xenophobic attacks. The new geographies of racism: Peterborough, focuses on a city which has experienced significant population change over the last decade, largely as a result of the expansion of the European Union and the

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Spotlight on racial violence: January – June 2012

An overview of racial violence and harassment in the first six months of 2012. The Institute of Race Relations (IRR), which documents racist attacks, is now collating regular short briefings on emerging trends in racial violence throughout the UK. And the first six months of 2012 reveals a reality of routine abuse and harassment –

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Pregnant women in detention

An open meeting on pregnant women in detention and what can be done. Tuesday 17 July 2012, 6-8pm Garden Court Chambers, 57-60 Lincoln’s Inn Fields, London WC2A 3L Speakers include: Raza Halim – Garden Court Chambers Jane Ryan – Bhatt Murphy Solicitors Jane Grant – Midwife Theresa Schleicher – Medical Justice an ex-detainee Related links

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Justice for Nouredine Rachedi

The victim of a vicious Islamophobic attack awaits the verdict of a Versailles appeal court after his alleged attackers, one a known violent racist, were acquitted. Nouredine Rachedi and his supporters in the campaign group Justice for Nouredine were in court on 12 June and now anxiously await the verdict. The case concerns the acquittal

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Police racism – enshrined in practice

Police indifference to BME community concerns perpetuates racial violence, according to ongoing research by the Institute of Race Relations. The police have been forced to acknowledge the racism embedded within their own ranks recently, primarily as a result of the quick-witted teenager Mauro Demetrio, who surreptitiously recorded a PC telling him that ‘the problem with

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Seize the time

Olympic athlete John Carlos, who marked his medal at the 1968 games with a raised fist ‘black power’ salute, will speak in London at a meeting organised by members of the RMT trade union. Monday 21 May 2011, 6. 30 – 8. 45pm Friends Meeting House, Euston Road, London NW1 2BJ Programme: 7pm –  John

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