G8: week of action

A week of action and events across the UK. Saturday 8 June – Saturday 15 June 2013 Locations across London Related links StopG8 Network StopG8 Network on Facebook StopG8 Network on Twitter Calendar of events

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‘Fighting the racist police state’ discussion evening

An evening of talks, film and discussion with individuals and groups active against police killings and repression, immigration raids, and the detention system. Sunday 9 June 2013, 7-10:30pm Stopg8 convergence centre (location will announced on 8 June) Groups taking part include: United Friends and Families Campaign (UFFC) (friends and families of people killed in police

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Upsurge in anti-Muslim attacks

An overview of the anti-Muslim violence and abuse that has taken place in the last seven days. It only took a matter of hours. Soon after British soldier Lee Rigby was brutally murdered, a man walked into a mosque in Gillingham, smashing up the interior. Around the same time, someone was arrested outside an Islamic

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Protest at G4S AGM

A protest organised by Stop G4S outside the annual general meeting of G4S. Thursday 6 June 2013, 1pm Salters’ Hall, 4 Fore Street, London EC2Y 5DE Related links Stop G4S Stop G4S on Twitter Stop G4S on Facebook Facebook event listing Download a flyer here

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Jimmy Mubenga: a day in the life of an inquest

IRR News provides a snapshot report from the second day of the inquest in to the death of Jimmy Mubenga[1] which is due to last eight weeks. The day of the inquest started with legal issues and the choosing of the jury. This took some time as potential jurors were read a long list of

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Justice will help Jimmy rest in peace

Below we reproduce the statement given by the wife of Jimmy Mubenga to the inquest into his death. ‘My name is Adrienne Kambana. I am the widow of Jimmy Mubenga and the mother of our five children. [Rolan (19), Kevin (15), Akram (13), Jordan (11) and Blessing (3)]. Jimmy Mubenga was a good father. He

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Stop and search: the human face

A public meeting on the impact of police stop and search methods. Wednesday 29 May 2013, 6.30pm PCS (Room 4.4), 160 Falcon Road, London SW11 2LN Related links StopWatch To download the latest StopWatch report, Viewed with suspicion: the human cost of stop and search, click here.

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Who polices the police?

A screening of Ken Fero’s film on Sean Rigg, who died in police custody, and his family’s struggle for justice. Friday 10 May 2013, 6-8pm Law Building, Moot Room, University of Liverpool, Liverpool L69 7ZA RELATED LINKS University of Liverpool School of Law and Justice Centre for Crime and Justice Studies View a trailer for

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Deaths in immigration detention on the increase?

This year, two men have died following their detention in immigration removal centres near Heathrow, and another two people have died in hospital shortly after release from detention in 2012 and 2011. Two deaths of asylum seekers in the first three months of this year is a worrying development. In February 2013, 84-year-old Alois Dvorzac,

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Spotlight on far-right violence

An overview of racially motivated attacks perpetrated by members of the far-right and convictions over the last few months. Just a few months ago, two women in Plymouth were sentenced in February for their part in an EDL mob-attack which took place in 2011. The two were part of a group who attended an EDL

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