
Calendar of racism and resistance (2-15 June 2017)

A fortnightly resource for anti-racist and social justice campaigns, highlighting key events in the UK and Europe. Violence and harassment 25 May: A 71-year-old man and 69-year-old woman are racially abused in Irvine by a man who asks if they have ‘bombs’. Craig Sharpe, 45, is later charged with acting in a racially aggravated manner.

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Respecting the dead 

A statement from Last Rights proposing international legal standards for proper and decent treatment of migrants who die at Europe’s borders, and their families, is a vital campaigning tool.  As Europe’s leaders focus on border security and rescuers are criminalised, more migrants die. In the first five months of this year, the death rate among migrants

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Justice 4 Leroy Junior Medford

A vigil to show support for the family of Leroy Junior Medford who died in police custody, and to raise awareness of police brutality. Saturday 24 June 2017, 2 pm onwards Outside M&S, Broad Street, opposite the Oracle Entrance, Reading RG1 2BH Related links Facebook page Go Fund Me page

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Calendar of racism and resistance (18 May – 1 June 2017)

A fortnightly resource for anti-racist and social justice campaigns, highlighting key events in the UK and Europe. Post-Manchester 22 May: Following a suicide-bomb attack at the Ariana Grande concert in the Manchester arena, which left 22 people dead, many young people, and hundreds injured, Greater Manchester mayor Andy Burnham tells BBC News that Mancunians will not

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Honouring Chris Searle: an afternoon in poetry

The unique contribution of teacher Chris Searle to education in London’s East End was celebrated at the launch of his autobiography, Isaac and I: a life in poetry, on 20 May.  There is some archive footage of Chris Searle, long-haired in corduroy jacket walking head, shoulders and torso above a sea of milling children, trying

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Our Histories By Us: Decolonial Archives & the South Asian Diaspora

Patchwork Archivists aims to bring together intercultural communities of the South Asian diaspora to explore the value of collectively archiving stories passed down through generations. Saturday 10 June 2017, 12.30-2.30pm Hackney Archives, Dalston CLR James Library, Dalston Square, London E8 3BQ Related links Book on Eventbrite See Facebook event listing Patchwork Archivists

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Calendar of racism and resistance (5 – 17 May 2017)

A fortnightly resource for anti-racist and social justice campaigns, highlighting key events in the UK and Europe. Asylum and migration 2 May: The European Network Against Racism (ENAR) publishes a report: Racism and discrimination in the context of migration in Europe: ENAR’s Shadow Report, 2015/2016, download it here (pdf file, 3.6mb). 6 May: Two reception

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Decolonise Fest

A three-day London DIY punk festival collectively organised by and for people of colour, with music, art & workshops Friday 2 June – Sunday 4 June 2017 DIY Space for London, 96-108 Ormside Street, London SE15 1TF Related links Decolonise Fest Tickets available here

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