Nine months for white racist thugs who sparked the Oldham riots

A mob of football hooligans and neo-Nazis who terrorised the Asian community of Glodwick, Oldham, in May 2001, were cheered as ‘heroes’ by their supporters in the gallery of a Manchester court this week, as they heard that they had been sentenced to just nine months imprisonment. Following the sentencing of the so-called ‘Oldham 12’

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Kurdish refugees attacked in Plymouth

Two Iraqi Kurds were the victims of a racist attack in an underpass in the centre of Plymouth. The attack, by two young white men, took place at about 9.30pm on Friday 9 May. The attackers repeatedly asked ‘are you f***ing Turks?’, before assaulting one man with a skewer and the other with a belt

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Inquest finds Spencer Weston’s death was not an accident

An inquest into the death of a 21-year-old black man, who died in Leicester in 1999 after a police chase, has ended with the coroner taking the unusual step of giving a ‘narrative verdict’, providing a more informative account than the traditional verdicts of ‘open’, ‘accidental’ or ‘unlawful’. Spencer Weston received fatal multiple injuries when

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Kurdish journalist victim of mob attack in Islington

A prominent Kurdish journalist has been the victim of a racist attack in London, while covering a story for his newspaper. The journalist, who has asked not to be named but is well known among North London’s Kurdish community, was the victim of an unprovoked assault by a gang of white youths on Thurday evening,

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Afghan asylum seeker killed in Southampton

Police have launched a murder inquiry after a 22-year-old Afghan asylum seeker was found unconscious at his home in Southampton on Monday 10 February. Mohammed Isa Hasan Ali had survived imprisonment and torture at the hands of the Taliban regime. But a year and a half after seeking asylum in Britain, he was murdered. According

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Passer-by joins in attack on asylum seekers

Two asylum-seeking brothers in their early 30s were left with serious injuries at the weekend after confronting a group of youths harassing them outside their home. About ten youths had gathered outside the asylum seekers’ home in Hemlington, Middlesbrough, on the evening of Saturday 1 February – throwing snowballs at the house. After a while,

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Jason McGowan inquest – family walks out

Relatives of Jason McGowan, a black man found hanged in Telford three years ago, yesterday walked out of the inquest into his death in protest at the proceedings. As soon as the jury had been sworn in, family members, along with their legal team, left the court. The McGowan family says it has no confidence

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Asylum seekers face rising violence in the South West

A gang of twelve men launched an unprovoked attack in broad daylight on three Iraqi Kurdish asylum seekers in Plymouth on Monday 20 January 2003. The attackers were reportedly in their twenties and thirties and inflicted facial and other injuries on their victims. To date, there have been no arrests. On average, one racially motivated

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Man charged with murder of Asian taxi driver

Paul Craig, 46, of Higginshaw, Oldham, has been charged with the murder of taxi driver, Israr Hussain. Craig has also been charged with assault and intent to rob. 42-year-old Israr Hussain, a father-of-six from Glodwick, Oldham, died after a stab wound to his neck following an incident in his taxi in the early hours of

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