
Bearing witness in poetry

An indictment of the treatment of poor North African migrants in Belgium and the devastating effects of incarceration has been published as a volume of poetry (in French). In Salée est l’eau de l’amer (Salt is the Water of Bitterness), Souad, a second-generation Moroccan migrant in Belgium, writes autobiographical poems presenting a chronological account of

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Dale Farm solidarity protest

A demonstration in support of Dale Farm residents facing an eviction court case. Tuesday 4 February 2014, 10.30am Royal Courts of Justice, Strand, London WC2N 5HX RELATED LINKS Traveller Solidarity Network 

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The continuing scandal of the National Socialist Underground

An interview with Eike Sanders, Coordinator of NSU-watch. In November 2011, Germany woke up to a story that, at first glance, seemed unbelievable.  Two neo-nazis, pursued by the police following a bank robbery in Eisenach, Thuringia, had set fire to their getaway car in an apparent joint suicide pact. As the news was broadcast, a

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Justice for Mark Duggan

A public meeting supporting the Justice for Mark Duggan campaign. Thursday 30 January 2014, 7pm North London Community House, 22 Moorefield Road, London N17 6PY Speakers: Carole Duggan Others to be confirmed RELATED LINKS See the Facebook page for the meeting here Download a flyer here Justice for Mark Duggan

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SHAKE! Arts, media, race, power

A free five-day course for 16-25 year olds to creatively express feelings and frustrations about the injustices of society. Monday-Friday, 17-21 February 2014 Stephen Lawrence Centre, 39 Brookmill Road, Deptford, London SE8 4HU Activities include: Interactive workshops with artists and educators Online media, film/video and music technology Access to a/v equipment and workshop spaces Opportunities to

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Statement of solidarity from Relatives for Justice

Below, we reproduce a statement from Relatives for Justice, a support group for those bereaved and injured in the conflict in the North of Ireland, in solidarity with Mark Duggan’s family and their fight for justice after the recent inquest verdict. As the verdict from the inquest into the killing of Mark Duggan began to

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Liberating media

Filmmaker Ken Fero, of Migrant Media, examines the role of the media in documenting political struggle. ‘If you don’t stand for something you will fall for anything.’ Malcom X The power of film to document stories, inspire action and agitate for change has run hand in hand with revolutionary cells, social struggles and mass movements.

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Police accused of ‘botched’ counter-terror operation

Serious concerns have been raised about the conduct of counter-terrorism officers after the CPS dropped the remaining charges against the subject of a ‘hard stop’ operation in Woolwich last June.   Following the operation conducted by officers from SO15, the Met police’s Counter-Terrorism command, Husani Williams was arrested and charged with possession of a Class

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Press Release

Reading the Stockholm riots

The latest issue of Race & Class examines the 2013 ‘riots’ in Stockholm in the light of other recent urban rebellions. In the new issue of Race & Class, three distinguished academics from Sweden’s Institute for Research on Migration, Ethnicity and Society  examine  the 2013 ‘riots’ in Sweden, comparing them to the August 2011 ‘riots’ in

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