Young Rebels – The Story of Southall Youth Movement

The launch of a new film on the Southall Youth Movement. Friday 18 July 2014, 6.30-8.30pm Monsoon Banqueting Suites, 100 The Green, Southall UB2 4BG Young Rebels – The Story of Southall Youth Movement charts the experiences and responses of Asian young people growing up in Southall in the 1960s and 1970s and the racial

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Drama on the injustice of joint enterprise to be screened

A powerful drama to be aired on Sunday lays bare the injustice of joint enterprise. Common, by Jimmy McGovern, tells the story of a senseless murder in the north-west and the chain of events which follows, leading to the imprisonment of the innocent. While the drama focuses on how the doctrine of joint enterprise in

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Films for justice at the BFI

‘Liberating Media’, an event, on Saturday 12 July at the British Film Institute (BFI) will highlight the work of Migrant Media. The day of film and discussion showcases the films of Migrant Media’s director-in-chief, Ken Fero – starting with an informal morning session, led by Fero, considering the work of Migrant Media and its youth

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The truth behind the murder of Blair Peach?

Thirty-five years after East London teacher Blair Peach was murdered by the Metropolitan police at a demonstration against the racist National Front in Southall in April 1979, the struggle to determine the exact circumstances and perpetrators of his death still continues. David Renton’s finely argued and profoundly persuasive pamphlet, Who killed Blair Peach?, makes a crystalline

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We are not extremists. We are Sweden

An incisive new campaigning video attacks the equation of anti-racism with extremism. Human rights defenders connected to Swedish anti-racist group Linje 17 mot rasism (Line 17 Against Racism) have found a novel way of lobbying for change. In a terse film, entitled #viärsverige 2014 – sluta normalisera rasismen! (#WeAreSweden 2014 – Stop Normalising Racism!), of just

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Liberating Media

A day of film and discussion showcasing the work of Migrant Media and its director-in-chief, Ken Fero. Saturday 12 July 2014, 11-1pm and 2-5.30pm BFI Southbank, Belvedere Road, South Bank, London SE1 8XT Speakers include: Ken Fero – director Harmit Athwal – Institute of Race Relations Colin Prescod – Institute of Race Relations Plus others Related links British Film

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Justice vanishes: the erosion of the rule of law

The ability to secure justice has been irrevocably damaged by the combination of secret trials, trials involving secret evidence, and the continuing legal aid cuts – affecting the rule of law itself. The ‘Trojan Horse’ affair has given us a definition of ‘British values’ – in a document for school governors issued by the Department

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Covert policing and ensuring accountability

A seminar exploring the themes of covert policing, particularly the running of agents/informants and use of intelligence. Tuesday 1 July 2014, 9.30am-3pm Rooms 82A01 and 82A02, University of Ulster Belfast Campus, York Street, Belfast BT15 1ED Subjects include: Collusion and Covert Policing in NI, where now? Covert policing and accountability, where now? Oversight mechanisms Speakers

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Women resisting the ‘security’ state

A Freedom Without Fear meeting to bring together people engaged in state-critical activities and campaigns. Thursday 3 July 2014, 6.30-8.30pm Room 417, Birkbeck (Main building), University of London, Malet Street, London WC1E 7HX Speakers include: Kamila Sheikh Lesbian Immigration Support Group Sarah Lamble Related links Facebook event listing Download a flyer here (pdf file, 100kb)

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Surround Harmondsworth

A protest at Harmondsworth and Colnbrook detention centres called by Movement for Justice. Saturday 5 July 2014, 1pm Harmondsworth IRC, Colnbrook By-Pass, West Drayton, Middlesex UB7 0HB Speakers include: John Mc Donnell MP Related links Facebook event listing Movement for Justice on Facebook View a flyer here

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