
Calendar of racism and resistance (17-30 October 2014)

A fortnightly resource for anti-racist and social justice campaigns, highlighting key events in the UK and Europe. Policing and criminal justice October: HM Inspectorate of Constabulary publishes a report: An inspection of undercover policing in England and Wales. Download it here. 17 October: The Guardian reveals the stories behind the statistics and the human toll

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Holding football to account

IRR News speaks to Lord Ouseley about his twenty years of kicking racism out of football. When Herman Ouseley set up Let’s Kick Racism out of Football over twenty years ago, one of the driving factors was the rawness and frequency of racist abuse forcing people away from the game. ‘Football had become a game

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Sixteen years of marching

For the sixteenth year, families and friends of those that have died in custody marched on Downing Street at the weekend. Behind the banner of the United Families and Friends Campaign, new families were walking in the procession including the family members of Rubel Ahmed, who died in Morton Hall immigration removal centre earlier this

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Surround Harmondsworth #5

A national mobilisation against detention outside Harmondsworth and Colnbrook detention centres. Saturday 8 November 2014, 1pm Harmondsworth detention centre, Colnbrook By-Pass, West Drayton, Middlesex UB7 0HB Related links Movement for Justice Facebook event listing

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Justice 4 Leon Briggs

A demonstration on the one-year anniversary of the death of Leon Briggs in the custody of Luton police Tuesday 4 November 2014, 6pm Luton police station, Buxton Road, Luton LU1 1SD Related links Justice 4 Leon Briggs Facebook event listing

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Human rights – at the government’s discretion

There is more to the Tories’ proposals on human rights and free movement than mere electioneering. The October 2014 Conservative party conference was dominated by justice minister Chris Grayling’s announcement that a future Conservative government will repeal the Human Rights Act, replace it with a British Bill of Rights and Responsibilities, and ignore unwelcome rulings

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UK Film Club presents: ‘Burn’

A showing of ‘Burn’ (Ken Fero/Migrant Media) followed by a Q&A. Thursday 13 November 2014, 7-8.30pm The Drum, 144 Potters Lane, Aston, Birmingham B6 4UU Speakers include: Tippa Naphtali – cousin of Mikey Powell and founder of 4WardEver UK Kedisha Burrell-Brown – sister of Kingsley Burrell Ken Fero – Director of Burn and Injustice Related

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Trial of three G4S officers to begin

Next week, on Monday 3 November, the trial of three G4S officers accused of the manslaughter of Jimmy Mubenga will begin. Jimmy Mubenga died on 12 October 2010 on board a plane at Heathrow airport during his deportation to Angola. He was initially held at Brook House, which is also operated by G4S, and then

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Defend the Right to Protest conference

An all-day conference to discuss the criminalisation of protest, state violence, and injustice.  Sunday 16 November 2014, 11am SOAS, Thornhaugh Street, London WC1H 0XG Speakers include:  Carole Duggan – Justice for Mark Duggan campaign Susan Alexander – Mother of Azelle Rodney Hamja Ahsan – Brother of Talha Ahsan Marcia Rigg – Sister of Sean Rigg Janet

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Immigration raids in our communities

A public meeting on community organising around immigration raids. Thursday 13 November 2014, 6-8pm Praxis Community Projects, Pott Street, Bethnal Green, London E2 0EF Related links Find more details of the event, here Anti-Raids Network  Right to Remain

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