9th Memorial for Mikey Powell

A  candlelit vigil and church service for Mikey Powell on the ninth anniversary of his death in Birmingham after being arrested by police. Sunday 9 September 2012 Church service at 11am at the Holy Trinity Church, Trinity Road, Birchfield, Birmingham B20 3DG Candlelit vigil from 7-8pm at Thornhill Road police station, Thornhill Road, Handsworth, Birmingham B20

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Immigration detention deaths

The Medical Justice annual review and a discussion on deaths in immigration detention. Wednesday 5 September 2012, 6pm (doors open 5.30pm) Community Hall, Athlone Street, London NW5 4LL Speakers include: Emma Mlotshwa (Medical Justice Coordinator) on campaigning to prevent further injury and death Ex-detainee on the experience of being locked in when fellow detainees died Dr

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Second march for Kingsley Burrell

The Campaign for Justice for Kingsley Burrell will be holding a second march for justice on 18 August in Birmingham. The family and their supporters are angry that Kingsley’s body has not yet been released sixteen months after his death in March 2011. They do not understand why Kingsley died after being detained by the

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March for justice for Kingsley Burrell

A second march in memory of Kingsley Burrell who died after being arrested by police in Birmingham in March 2011. Saturday 18 August 2012, 12-4pm Assemble at Summerfield Park, Icknield Port Road, off Dudley Road, Birmingham B16 OBT to march to Centenary Square, Broad Street, Birmingham B1 2EA Related links Justice for Kingsley Burrell Campaign Campaign 4 Justice 4

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Riot from Wrong

A screening of Riot from Wrong followed by a Q&A. Thursday 16 August 2012, 8pm Portobello Pop Up Cinema, 3 Acklam Road, London W10 Panel discussion with: The filmmakers Stafford Scott of the Tottenham Defence Campaign Akala Related links See the Facebook events listing Download a flyer here Read a IRR News review of Riot

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Jury applauded for critical inquest verdict

On Thursday 1 August, an inquest jury delivered a damning verdict on the death of Sean Rigg at Brixton police station in August 2008. On 1 August 2012, Southwark Coroner’s court was packed. It was standing room only, as the family of Sean Rigg, their supporters, lawyers and the press waited to hear the verdict.

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Clearing Roma off the streets

The run-up to the Olympics has seen the Metropolitan Police and the London Evening Standard reinvigorate efforts to disperse homeless Roma from central London’s streets. On 17 July 2012, the Metropolitan Police Service announced a three-month pilot project to strengthen existing relationships with the Romanian police. This is the latest development in a drive to

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‘The riots’ screening

A film, based on a critically acclaimed play, investigating what triggered last August’s riots, followed by a panel discussion. Monday 6 August 2012, 7pm West Green Learning Centre, West Green Road, London N15 3RB Speakers Gillian Slovo – playwright Owen Jones – author Stafford Scott– community activist Related links Haringey Independent Cinema Tottenham Defence Campaign

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Press Release

The new geographies of racism: Peterborough

Research published today by the Institute of Race Relations shows that recently arrived migrant workers are vulnerable to exploitation and xenophobic attacks. The new geographies of racism: Peterborough, focuses on a city which has experienced significant population change over the last decade, largely as a result of the expansion of the European Union and the

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Jimmy Mubenga’s family devastated

The family of Jimmy Mubenga has been left devastated by the recent decision not to prosecute the three G4S officers involved in his death. Jimmy, a father of five, died after being restrained on a plane at Heathrow airport in October 2010. His family have been waiting since that time for the police to complete

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