
Failed by Words

Aisha Maniar examines the UK government’s policy of carrying out language analysis tests on undocumented asylum claimants. Asylum Now According to the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR), a record 65.3 million people worldwide were displaced within and without borders in 2015. Although increasing slightly each year since 2010, after having fallen sharply in the first

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Calendar of racism and resistance (9 – 23 March 2017)

A fortnightly resource for anti-racist and social justice campaigns, highlighting key events in the UK and Europe. Asylum and migration March: Women for Refugee Women publish a report: The Way Ahead: An asylum system without detention, download it here (pdf file, 3mb). 2 March: The Migrant and Refugee Children’s Legal Unit (MiCLU) publish a report:

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Calendar of racism and resistance (24 February – 9 March 2017)

A fortnightly resource for anti-racist and social justice campaigns, highlighting key events in the UK and Europe. Asylum and migration 24 February: Following a legal challenge by the Refugee Council, the High Court rules that local authorities must support age-disputed asylum seekers as children. (EIN, 27 February 2017) 26 February: Irene Clennell, 52, is deported

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Brave and inspirational: the story of Grunwick

With only a few weeks left to view the exhibition on the ‘70s Grunwick strike, ‘We are the lions’ you are advised to hightail it down to the Library at Willesden Green and see it while you still can. (It closes on 26 March) I visited the exhibition one Saturday afternoon (my second visit after

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Calendar of racism and resistance (10-23 February 2017)

A fortnightly resource for anti-racist and social justice campaigns, highlighting key events in the UK and Europe. Asylum and migration 8 February: New research by Bail for Immigration Detainees (BID) finds that hundreds of foreign nationals being held in prison are being denied access to immigration advice. Download the report: Mind the Gap: Immigration Advice

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Calendar of racism and resistance (26 January – 9 February 2017)

A fortnightly resource for anti-racist and social justice campaigns, highlighting key events in the UK and Europe. Asylum and immigration January 2016: The Migration Observatory publishes a report: Young People and Migration in the UK: An Overview. View and download it here. 27 January: The Belgian interior minister announces that Belgium, France and the Netherlands

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Morton Hall: another death in immigration detention

On 11 January an unnamed 27-year-old Polish man was found dead in Morton Hall immigration removal centre in Lincolnshire, the first death this year and the 29th death in immigration detention since 1989. It was reported by the Unity Centre that the man was found hanged in his room at the centre. He had apparently

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Calendar of racism and resistance (13-25 January 2017)

A fortnightly resource for anti-racist and social justice campaigns, highlighting key events in the UK and Europe. Asylum & migration 11 January: An unnamed 27-year-old Polish man dies in Morton Hall detention centre in Lincolnshire. (Unity Centre Glasgow, 13 January 2017, Guardian, 13 January 2017) 12 January: Somali asylum seekers and riot police clash in

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Calendar of racism and resistance (23 December 2016 – 12 January 2017)

A fortnightly resource for anti-racist and social justice campaigns, highlighting key events in the UK and Europe. Asylum and migration 22 November: Freedom from Torture publishes a report: Proving Torture, Demanding the impossible: Home Office mistreatment of expert medical evidence. Download the report here (pdf file, 1.6mb) 21 December: Human Rights Watch condemns the Home

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