
Sheffield’s Roma, David Blunkett and an immoral racist panic[1]

We publish below reflections on the political and media furore surrounding Sheffield’s Roma by long-time South Yorkshire activist. ‘The best recipe for riots is for somebody to stand up and warn of riots.’ (Professor Yaron Matras on Channel 4 News 27 November 2013) On 11 November David Blunkett gave an interview to Radio Sheffield. In

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The cuddlification of Black revolutionaries

To erase the political bedrock of people’s beliefs from the telling of their history is to distort their life’s work. The rewriting of history and reputation to chime with what the white-media-middle-class is ‘comfortable’ with does not just apply to Nelson Mandela,[1] it has for some years been applied in this country to Black revolutionary

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‘It’s like a war’

Roma communities under fire from the far Right in the Czech Republic need pan-European support. Hitler’s genocide against the Roma, which started with the roundup of Sinti in Germany in 1933, is commemorated annually on 2 August. A day of action in London begins with a protest outside the Czech Embassy. The background to the

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European collusion in human rights abuse

How is it that Muslim citizens accused of support for terrorism are not charged but extradited, while far-right supporters of terrorism roam free? On 24 September, as part of a forty-strong delegation of observers, I was in Morocco at the appeal hearing in the Rabat-Salé court of the Belgian-Moroccan dual national, Ali Aarrass. Aarrass’ conviction and fifteen-year

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Press Release

Radicalism and radicalisation

In the latest issue of Race & Class, Arun Kundnani analyses the concept of Muslim radicalisation now central in the counter-terrorism industry while Ashley Lavelle charts Eldridge Cleaver’s journey from radical ‘Soul on Ice’ to renegade ‘Soul for Hire’. The October 2012 issue of Race & Class explores radicalism and radicalisation. Kundnani’s ‘Radicalisation: the journey

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Ali Aarrass appeal heard

European delegation goes to Ali Aarass hearing in Morocco. On 24 September, IRR executive director, Liz Fekete and vice-chair Frances Webber joined an international delegation of lawyers, scholars, human rights activists, journalists and filmmakers at the Appeal Court at Rabat-Salé to hear the long-awaited appeal of the dual Belgian-Moroccan national Ali Aarrass on terrorism charges.

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Press Release

Four days in August

In the latest issue of Race & Class, the  lead article ‘Four days in August: the UK riots’ examines reports and inquiries conducted in the aftermath of last summer’s disturbances. Professor Lee Bridges comments on the failure of government to consider the deeper structural causes of the riots in August 2011. Instead it has chosen

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Press Release

The truth about far-right violence

A shocking new report documents patterns of far-right violence across Europe. As concerns mount about the violence of elected far-right politicians in Greece, and Sol Campbell warns black and Asian football fans against travelling to Poland and the Ukraine for Euro 2012, the Institute of Race Relations reveals that the problem of far-right violence is

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Xenophobia drives government assault on European court

Human rights in Europe are at grave risk from the UK government, argues a leading human rights campaigner. In the wake of the furore over the European human rights court’s ruling that Abu Qatada could not be deported, a draft document leaked to the Guardian reveals that the UK government is determined to reduce the

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Migrants, the media and the message

A conference for those working with migrants and wishing to engage with the media and give migrants a voice. Thursday 6 October 2011, 11am-5pm Diana, Princess of Wales Memorial Fund Offices, County Hall, Westminster Bridge Road, London SE1 7PB Programme includes: The launch of an online media toolkit A showcase of the work carried out

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