
Calendar of racism and resistance (8 – 21 July 2016)

A fortnightly resource for anti-racist and social justice campaigns, highlighting key events in the UK and Europe. Violence and harassment 8 July: A 20-year-old and two teenagers are charged with ABH and racially aggravated bodily harm after an attack on a taxi driver on 8 April at Wokingham station which left him with a fractured

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Appeal to launch legal centre in Lesbos

Lawyers are seeking support to launch a much-needed legal centre in Lesbos for those detained in refugee camps on the Island. Lesbos sits at the apex of the ‘refugee crisis’ that has been described as the ‘worst since the Second World War’. Over 200,000 people entered Europe by sea between January and June this year, and,

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Cedric Robinson 1940 – 2016

It is with immense sadness that we record the death of the IRR’s great friend and stalwart supporter Cedric Robinson in Santa Barbara California on 4 June. Cedric had been connected to Race & Class for almost forty years, writing first in early 1978 (on Richard Wright), joining its Editorial Working Committee in 1980, becoming

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Calendar of racism and resistance (27 May – 9 June 2016)

A fortnightly resource for anti-racist and social justice campaigns, highlighting key events in the UK and Europe. Asylum & migration 17 May: The Independent Chief Inspector of Borders and Immigration launches a survey to gauge views on the work of the Inspectorate, which is open until Monday 27 June 2016. Take part in the survey here.

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Tributes to Cedric Robinson

Below we publish tributes to Cedric Robinson. Tom Denyer As intellectual careers go, Professor Cedric Robinson’s serves as a textbook. His first priority, teaching, relied on close, generous engagement with the mind of the individual student. He still found time for disciplined, objective, assiduous research and writing. His genuine interest in the work of his

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Fight or flight in the face of Hungary’s new fascism

© Terri Potoczna Fussen

Activist and poet Sam Berkson examines grassroots resistance to the social and political crisis in Hungary.  On 15 March, a national holiday commemorating the revolution of 1848, some 50,000 people pressed into the rain-soaked square in front of Parliament to listen to speeches, sing together and shout for the removal of Prime Minister Viktor Orbán. The teachers,

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The Passing of the King

We reproduce below A. Sivanandan’s eulogy on Muhammad Ali on the day he lost to Joe Frazier in March 1971. Tonight the black world weeps that their king has passed away. But tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow… every black man will have become his own king – for that is the legacy that Muhammad Ali

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Bridges Not Borders

A meeting to discuss issues around migration, free movement and how social justice groups can defeat poverty and social inequality.   Thursday 9 June 2016, 6pm Global Justice Now, SOAS, Vernon Square, Penton Rise, London WC1X 9EW Speakers:  Liz Fekete – Director of the Institute of Race Relations Barbara Ntumy – student campaigner Dr Paolo Novak – Convenes

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Calendar of racism and resistance (6 – 26 May 2016)

A fortnightly resource for anti-racist and social justice campaigns, highlighting key events in the UK and Europe. Asylum & migration 9 May: A 26-year-old Syrian refugee is shot in the kidney and wounded by Slovakian border guards on the border between Slovakia and Hungary, near the town of Velky Meder. The woman is in a

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Denmark: creating a hostile environment

Nearly 300 people face criminal charges for aiding refugees in Denmark in September 2015, and the government continues to create a hostile environment by cracking down on migration. The rise in humanitarian and political initiatives in solidarity with asylum seekers and refugees that we have seen across Europe in the past year has been reflected

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