Vigil for Habib ‘Paps’ Ullah

A vigil outside High Wycombe police station, to coincide with Father’s Day, to mark the sixth anniversary of the death of Habib ‘Paps’ Ullah in police custody. Thursday 19 June 2014, 5-7pm High Wycombe police station, Queen Victoria Road, High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire HP11 1BE Related links Justice for Paps    

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Naming the Narratives: the Trojan Horse affair in Birmingham

In a week when twenty leading educationalists and Muslim leaders have questioned Ofsted’s impartiality in the Birmingham ‘Trojan Horse’ affair, education consultant Robin Richardson reflects on the factors behind its controversial recent inspections. The Trojan Horse story in Birmingham is one in which carelessness, incompetence, coincidence, opportunism, self-interest and sheer wickedness all play significant parts.

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March for justice for Kingsley Burrell

A march and demonstration for Kingsley Burrell, on the third anniversary of his death in custody. Saturday 31 May 2014 1pm – leaves Holyhead School, Holyhead Road, Handsworth, Birmingham B21 0HN 2.30pm – arrive at Lloyd House, Police Headquarters, Colmore Circus, Birmingham B4 6NQ 2.30-4pm – rally with speakers RELATED LINKS See the Facebook page

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Deaths in immigration detention: 1989-2017

Below we list all deaths that have taken place in immigration removal and short-term holding centres since 1989; we also list those who have died shortly after release from immigration detention. There have been thirty-four deaths in immigration removal centres since 1989; three women and the rest men. Harmondsworth detention centre accounts for nine deaths; five

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‘Never ever, never ever give up’

A reflection on deaths that took place on 15 April 1989 and the state’s response. As a teenager I watched the Hillsborough tragedy unfold on the telly. It was a Saturday afternoon and my sisters and I were doing our chores or homework. I remember one of my sisters calling us and we crowded around

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Death at Europe’s frontiers: foreseeable result of state policy?

European states are morally responsible for deaths at the EU’s borders, argues the International State Crime Initiative. ‘This is the main feature of contemporary border politics. It exposes the border transgressors to death rather than directly using its power to kill.’ Khosravi (2010), ‘Illegal’ Traveller: an auto-ethnography of borders (p. 27) On 6 February, fifteen

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Malcolm X’s visit to Britain

A new historical book looks at Malcolm X’s 1964 visit to Britain. Malcolm X was assassinated forty-nine years ago last week. As people reflect on his life and legacy, a new book looks at the visit he made to Britain toward the end of his life. In November 1964, Malcolm X ended a tour of

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British schools and the black child

The annual ‘British schools and the black child’ conference. Saturday 8 March 2014, 9-4pm University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, West Midlands B15 2TT Related links NASUWT London Schools and the Black Child

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Call for end to CPS inaction

Last week families and campaigners demanded an end to Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) inaction over deaths in custody cases. The demonstration was called by the United Families and Friends Campaign and Stop G4S because of procrastination about whether to charge those involved in the deaths of Azelle Rodney and Jimmy Mubenga. Damning unlawful killing verdicts were

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Vigil for Habib ‘Paps’ Ullah

On Friday 20 December campaigners will hold a vigil in High Wycombe to mark the birthday of Habib Ullah who died in police custody in July 2008. Habib Ullah’s wife, mother, children and siblings will be joined at High Wycombe police station by families of others killed in police custody including that of Leon Briggs,

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