News Service


Calendar of racism and resistance (11-24 November 2016)

A fortnightly resource for anti-racist and social justice campaigns, highlighting key events in the UK and Europe. Asylum and migration 12 November: Local council leaders criticise the government for failing to place young refugee children with them despite a national transfer scheme being in place. (Guardian, 12 November 2016) 14 November: Three 16-year-old Afghan asylum

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Rotherham 12: the jury finds defendants not guilty

Below we reproduce a statement made by the Rotherham 12 Campaign following not guilty verdicts on 16 November. We want to thank the jury for delivering resounding Not Guilty verdicts for all the defendants in this case. The verdicts are a game changer, and they will have immediate and long term consequences for race relations

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IRR News (28 October – 10 November 2016)

Dear IRR News subscriber, The Department for Education’s recent attempt to collect country-of-birth and nationality data on around 8 million children is the latest manifestation of the government’s strategy to make Britain a ‘hostile environment’ for irregular migrants, embedding immigration control into education in the process. This week on IRR News, we interview representatives from

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Calendar of racism and resistance (28 October – 10 November 2016)

A fortnightly resource for anti-racist and social justice campaigns, highlighting key events in the UK and Europe. Asylum & migration 25 October: The Court of Appeal rules against the Home Office in a test case brought by a foreign student facing deportation on the basis of hearsay evidence on English language testing. (Migrants’ Rights Network,

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Interview with Schools ABC

Below we interview members of a new campaign, Schools ABC, set up to resist the encroachment of border controls in schools. What is the Schools ABC campaign? What were the concerns that led you to set it up? The Against Borders for Children campaign started with two aims – to stop the Department for Education

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IRR News (14 – 27 October 2016)

Dear IRR News subscriber, This week, we turn our attention to the question of right-wing populism and neo-Nazi terrorism in Germany. Liz Fekete, who has been working with NSU-Watch, reports on the latest shocking developments in the case of a National Socialist Underground, a terror network which are now linked to child murder and paedophilia.

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Calendar of racism and resistance (14 – 27 October 2016)

A fortnightly resource for anti-racist and social justice campaigns, highlighting key events in the UK and Europe. Asylum & migration 20 September: The House of Commons European Scrutiny Committee publishes: EU Asylum Reform, download the report here. 12 October: The FN-backed mayor of the southern French town of Béziers launches a referendum on whether the town

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The Pandora’s box of German fascism has been opened

Below we publish an edited version of a speech given by a spokesperson for the Berlin anti-fascist documentation centre Apabiz at a symposium held at the HAU Theatre, Berlin*.  ‘The problems we face in Germany today are twofold. First, the emergence of a far-right electoral party that is gaining between 10 and 25 per cent of

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The NSU scandal – investigations into child murders re-opened

More police failures in the case of the National Socialist Underground (NSU) have emerged after the discovery of the body of a child who disappeared fifteen years ago. A 9-year-old girl disappeared on her way home from school in Bavaria in 2001. Fifteen years later, skeletal remains of the child, named in the media only as

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