News Service

Barbara Harlow 1948 – 2017

A rose for the warrior. We were greatly saddened to hear of the death of Race & Class editorial working committee member Barbara Harlow on 28 January. A much-loved colleague, Barbara, professor of English Literature at the University of Texas, dedicated her life to the progressive causes of our times, in most recent years prioritising

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IRR News (13-26 January 2017)

Dear IRR News subscriber, Our prime minister today seeks to renew ‘a special relationship’ with a country whose new president seems hell-bent on alienating ethnic minorities: the wall with Mexico is to be built; detention centres and quick deportations for undocumented Mexicans; an oil pipeline through Native American territories in Dakota; the threat of ‘the

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Morton Hall: another death in immigration detention

On 11 January an unnamed 27-year-old Polish man was found dead in Morton Hall immigration removal centre in Lincolnshire, the first death this year and the 29th death in immigration detention since 1989. It was reported by the Unity Centre that the man was found hanged in his room at the centre. He had apparently

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Calendar of racism and resistance (13-25 January 2017)

A fortnightly resource for anti-racist and social justice campaigns, highlighting key events in the UK and Europe. Asylum & migration 11 January: An unnamed 27-year-old Polish man dies in Morton Hall detention centre in Lincolnshire. (Unity Centre Glasgow, 13 January 2017, Guardian, 13 January 2017) 12 January: Somali asylum seekers and riot police clash in

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IRR News (23 December 2016 – 12 January 2017)

Dear IRR News subscriber, 2017, with the prospect, in this Brexit/Trump era, of entrenched nativism and nationalism, needs all the progressives it can muster. It was therefore with great sadness that the staff at IRR and on Race & Class learnt of the death of John Berger – a unique internationalist voice speaking for and

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John Berger 1926 – 2017

John Berger, writer, art critic and poet has died. John Berger, anti-imperialist, socialist man and peasant has died. It is perhaps inevitable that the establishment should claim John Berger for their own, as the famous critic who provided the BBC and them with ‘Ways of Seeing’ in 1972 – and that despite his Marxism. It

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Calendar of racism and resistance (23 December 2016 – 12 January 2017)

A fortnightly resource for anti-racist and social justice campaigns, highlighting key events in the UK and Europe. Asylum and migration 22 November: Freedom from Torture publishes a report: Proving Torture, Demanding the impossible: Home Office mistreatment of expert medical evidence. Download the report here (pdf file, 1.6mb) 21 December: Human Rights Watch condemns the Home

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Press Release

Flying the flag for neoliberalism

The January 2017 issue of Race & Class leads with a very timely article on Europe by IRR director Liz Fekete. She looks, in the light of the Brexit vote, at the apparent rupture between Eurosceptic nationalists and transnational neoliberal elites, examining also the decline in support for Social Democratic and Conservative mainstream political parties.

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Xeno-racism and the scourge of school exclusion

Radical educationalist Chris Searle examines the response to recent exclusions in the Slovak Roma community in Sheffield in a lecture at the School of Education, University of Birmingham in December 2016. The conservative restoration continues apace at every level of the British education system, most markedly in our schools. While cuts and austerity policies force local education authorities to

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IRR News (8 – 22 December 2016)

Dear IRR News subscriber, In our final bulletin of 2016, we present the second part of Frances Webber’s investigation into the EU’s response to the refugee crisis. The first article (published earlier this month) examined the militarisation of borders and return to war zones (with a particular focus on Afghanistan and Turkey). In the second

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