News Service


Calendar of Racism and Resistance – Incorporating Covid-19 Roundup (20 May – 3 June 2020)

A fortnightly resource for anti-racist and social justice campaigns, highlighting key events in the UK and Europe. We have incorporated the Covid-19 roundup of racism, health, policing and civil liberties into the calendar of racism and resistance, which we believe makes developments during this period clearer and easier to understand. News stories related to the response to

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Responses across the UK and Europe to the death of George Floyd

The death of George Floyd in Minneapolis on 25 May, after a policeman knelt on his neck for nearly nine minutes as he pleaded he could not breathe, sparks protests across the UK and Europe. This roundup details those protests and related developments. Public protests 30-31 May: Over the weekend of 30-31 May, demonstrations take

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Homeless war stories

A leaked document reveals the government is preparing to withdraw its emergency coronavirus funding for homeless accommodation – a fleeting reprieve that rescued many, whilst those with fewer rights remained destitute. At this juncture, Jessica Perera reviews an important book that interrogates vagrancy as a social crisis that urgently needs addressing. Bekki Perriman’s anthology Doorways:

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Sodexo: Precarity Profiteering

The workplace struggles of precarious and largely invisiblised migrant workers in public institutions against exploitation by outsourcing giants such as Sodexo are not only important in themselves but also a vital part of the fight against racist border policies, argues Laura Wormington. At 5am on a frosty Tuesday morning, 19 November 2019, hundreds of Sodexo

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Fortnightly Bulletin

IRR News (6 – 20 May 2020)

Dear IRR News subscriber, Dangerous ‘race’ thinking is on the rise, warns black health activist Wayne Farah, in a think-piece for IRR News this week, that warns that the New Right and the ‘race realists’ are attempting to use public inquiries into Covid-19 excess deaths as a battlefield for the normalisation of scientific and cultural racism. Whether

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Calendar of Racism and Resistance – Incorporating Covid-19 Roundup (6 – 20 May 2020)

A fortnightly resource for anti-racist and social justice campaigns, highlighting key events in the UK and Europe.  We have incorporated the Covid-19 roundup of racism, health, policing and civil liberties into the calendar of racism and resistance, which we believe makes developments during this period clearer and easier to understand. HEALTH AND POLICY RACE AND CLASS

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New Right, old racism – the battlefield of Covid-19

As Public Health England conducts its controversial rapid review into Covid-19 disparities, lurking in the background is a new school of ‘race realists’ whose retrogressive biological arguments must be tackled head-on. An intellectual current that can be broadly defined as New Right – comprising a number of thinktanks, politicians, journalists, academics and libertarians of various

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Adnan Olbeh: killed by the state

The death of Adnan Olbeh on 5 May in a Glasgow ‘asylum’ hotel raises serious questions as to what is happening to former immigration detainees during the lockdown. John Grayson of South Yorkshire Migration & Asylum Action Group continues his investigations. Ivor, a professional worker from the Middle East, was already reporting on conditions in

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Fortnightly Bulletin

IRR News (22 April – 6 May 2020)

Dear IRR News subscriber, As mutual-aid groups continue to work tirelessly across the country to meet urgent needs neglected or engendered by the state, we publish an Editor’s collection of Race & Class articles published over the last thirty years on the black tradition of self-help and mutual aid, free to download from tomorrow. Ranging

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Calendar of Racism and Resistance – incorporating Covid-19 Roundup (22 April – 6 May 2020)

A fortnightly resource for anti-racist and social justice campaigns, highlighting key events in the UK and Europe.  We have incorporated the Covid-19 roundup of racism, health, policing and civil liberties into the calendar of racism and resistance, which we believe makes developments during this period clearer and easier to understand. INTERNATIONAL 22 April: According to the

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