News Service


Voices of hope: the power of creative resistance

  Two creative initiatives – one just finished, the other ongoing – demonstrate the transformative power of the arts in giving voice to the perspectives of marginalised groups. Little Amal, the 12-foot puppet of the young Syrian refugee, has in The Walk taken the story of refugee journeys across Europe, from south-east Turkey to Manchester,

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Press Release

Reproductive racism – new lines of struggle for anti-racist feminists

  In the lead article of the October 2021 issue of Race & Class, Deputy Editor Sophia Siddiqui charts new ground showing how reproduction is now a key dividing line in European racism, with global implications.   The publication of ‘Racing the nation: towards a theory of reproductive racism’, which documents how the maintenance of

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Calendar of Racism and Resistance (6 – 20 October 2021)

Little Amal arrives in Folkestone and is greeted by schoolchildren and actor Jude Law.

  A fortnightly resource for anti-racist and social justice campaigns, highlighting key events in the UK and Europe. ASYLUM | MIGRATION | BORDERS | CITIZENSHIP Asylum and migrant rights 8 October: Updated Home Office guidance states that deporting asylum seekers back to Afghanistan generally presents ‘no real risk of harm’. (Independent, 8 October 2021) 11

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Fortnightly Bulletin

IRR News (7 – 21 October 2021)

Social mobility, ‘geographic inequality’ and a new culture war This week, the IRR warns that Katharine Birbalsingh’s appointment as chair of the Social Mobility Commission, much like the ‘levelling up’ agenda, merely confirms the government’s intention to ignore inconvenient aspects of inequality. A timely piece on IRR News, Social mobility, ‘geographic inequality’ and a new

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Social mobility, ‘geographic inequality’ and a new culture war

As a new head of the Social Mobility Commission is appointed and the government pursues its ‘levelling up’ agenda, IRR researcher Jessica Perera debunks simplistic and racialised messages around ‘geographic inequality’.  Discussion about social mobility is all the rage in government circles, but only if it is linked to its programme of ‘levelling up’, with educational attainment emerging

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Fortnightly Bulletin

IRR News (22 September – 6 October 2021)

Not ‘canteen culture’ – a culture of impunity Many of us were left reeling as details of the murder of Sarah Everard came to light over the past week, which has prompted the IRR to publish a twitter thread detailing evidence of racist and sexist attitudes in the police force. This is not just a

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Race & Class Blog

The meeting of political families: the Robinsons and the IRR

  Ahead of the UK book launch of Joshua Myer’s new biography of Cedric Robinson on 11 October 2021, we publish a collection of Cedric Robinson’s key articles in Race & Class, as well as reflect on the long relationship between the Robinsons and the IRR.    Cedric Robinson (1940 – 2016) was one of

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Calendar of Racism and Resistance (8 – 22 September 2021)

A fortnightly resource for anti-racist and social justice campaigns, highlighting key events in the UK and Europe. ASYLUM | MIGRATION | BORDERS | CITIZENSHIP Asylum and migrant rights 8 September: An open letter to European MEPs from NGOs says that a draft resolution to expand Eurodac, to include fingerprints, facial images, passport or ID card details,

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Press Release

A threat to public safety: policing, racism and the Covid-19 pandemic

A threat to public safety: policing, racism and the Covid-19 pandemic

  A new report from the IRR and Centre on the Dynamics of Ethnicity (CoDE) suggests that policing during the Covid-19 pandemic undermines public health measures whilst disproportionately targeting Black and Minority Ethnic communities.     A threat to public safety: policing, racism and the Covid-19 pandemic raises concerns about the policing of the pandemic

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