News Service

IRR News 30 November-6 December 2012

Dear IRR News Subscriber, This week the IRR’s Liz Fekete looks at racial profiling in police forces across Europe, reporting on the work of groups involved in fighting against the misuse of stops and other operations on the basis of race and religion. In other news from around the UK, two police officers may face

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Which way forward on racial profiling?

A review of the major development in initiatives against racial profiling in European policing. Black and Asian kids from poor neighbourhoods repeatedly stopped and searched by police in the UK, identity card checks on people of Muslim appearance in central Paris, or of Muslims outside mosques in Germany, round-ups of migrants without papers in Greece,

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IRR News 23-29 November 2012

Dear IRR News Subscriber, This week the IRR’s Jon Burnett looks at a spate of recent anti-Muslim attacks against a backdrop of mainstreamed Islamophobic sentiment. A new study suggests that racism is a ‘significant issue’ in Wales, with many incidents not reported to the police. And an MP in Keighley has been criticised for ‘racialising’

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Where anti-Muslim sentiment leads

Mainstreamed anti-Muslim sentiment creates the climate for attacks and harassment. Condemning the presence of Muslims in Britain is now routine. Media darling and quintessentially English TV chef Clarissa Dickson-Wright (full name Clarissa Theresa Philomena Aileen Mary Josephine Agnes Elsie Trilby Louise Esmerelda Dickson-Wright) wrote in her new book  (published a few months ago) of her terror, when once visiting

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IRR News 16-22 November 2012

Dear IRR News subscriber, In a week when the government’s Justice & Security Bill, with its plan to extend secret courts, was savaged in the House of Lords, the IRR’s Frances Webber argues that the latest government proposal to limit justice via curtailing judicial review and equality impact assessments needs to be resisted by the race equality sector.

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Dismantling racial justice

The coalition’s proposals to restrict judicial review and to abolish measures which safeguard race equality amount to a further assault on migrants, asylum seekers and BME communities, in the guise of promoting economic growth. Prime minister David Cameron used the unlikely setting of a speech to the Confederation of British Industry (CBI) conference on 19

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IRR News 9-15 November 2012

Dear IRR News subscriber, This week, the IRR’s Liz Fekete, writes an open letter to Nick Lowles in response to an article on the issue of grooming in the recent issue of HOPE not Hate magazine. We republish a letter to the Metro newspaper from the editor of the Travellers’ Times in response to a ‘crassly

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Cartoon and article deemed racist by NGO

Below we reproduce a letter from the editor of the Travellers’ Times  to the Metro newspaper on a recent racist article and cartoon on Gypsies. ‘Presumably you expected Richard Herring’s piece ’Beware the gipsy (sic) curse‘ (Metro, 9 November 2012) to raise cheap laughs, but we Romany Gypsies, and those who work with us, would

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Grooming: an open letter to Nick Lowles

HOPE not Hate have initiated a debate on grooming, here Liz Fekete, long-time anti-fascist campaigner responds. ‘We have known each other for a long time (as anti-fascists in the 1990s) and I approached your article ‘Grooming – an issue we cannot ignore’, with interest. Like you, I am very concerned at the way in which

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Why Ireland needs anti-racism

The Dublin-based Anti-Racism Network (ARN)[1] co-founded by Luke Bukha Kasuanga is taking on new challenges. The ARN was launched in August 2010, but recently, in the light of yet another asylum death (in direct provision) and an increase in brutal deportations, it has expanded its remit, launching a sister organisation Anti Deportation Ireland. A new

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